Over the past three decades, the new populated territories from the European peripheries, formerly secured from any dangers of distruction, fell under the influen-ce of postmodernity. This has been accompanied by people’ s natural desire to take a chance to join the West that was a long-cherished dream for them. However, the in-tention to integrating into the modern world faces challenges posted by the same postmodern destructive processes. The very possibility to integrate is under ques-tion, since Lyotard declared the end of meta-narratives, and Baudrillard argued the authenticity of postmodern society. The overall image of the West, the Europe, emer-ged at times of Modernity, doesn’ t reflect the processes occurring in reality any mo-re. All the basic concepts, which European meta-narrations were built upon the ti-me of Modernity, are now mutilated beyond recognition. No longer are we able to recognize the Europe to integrate with, other than through our own implicit imagi-nation. Just only because of its existence according to categories of modern we imagine the Europe has become available for free access now. These are the perip-heries which, due to their archaic and traditional character, give meaning to the re-cent Europe. That is a reason the Europe, in turn, needs in us. We recreate the Eu-rope having it on the pictorial background, while catching the image which only ma-kes sense from our point of view. This constitutes the phenomenon of anamorphosis of nonexistence. Thus, the integration is just a posting of our presence to nonexisten-ce, which we give importance to – the way we create the image while taking “ sel-fie” with anamorphosis.