Is there the only one way to recognize the truth, sensory and rational percep-tions? Is it possible to communicate with our surroundings only through conceptual imaginating? At the very least, the mystics in various religions and cultures claim that another path, called the "mystical experience", has come to discover the truth and have gained a deeper and wider awareness of human consciousness. The aus-terity that the seekers have tolerated from long ago up to now and in the context of various religious traditions have been all about finding the spiritual feelings, polish-ing the soul, radiating the light of God, and eventually the gaining knowledge through the direct confrontation with truth. A variety of mystical events and abun-dant reports from diverse cultures, two philosophical and philosophical mystics, en-couraged a deeper study of the mystical experience and peripheral questions. In the Western tradition, this work was pursued from the eighteenth century, with the ef-forts of Schleiermacher, and in the later centuries by Otto, William James, Stace and others. In Islamic mysticism, there is also a serious philosophical look into the mys-ticism, which began with the establishment of an enormous ontological system, star-ting with Ibn Arabi, the great mystic of the seventh century, and continued by a ran-ge of his disciples. One of the most prominent Muslim scholars and mystics who takes a deep look at the phenomenon of "mystical experience" is Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Maw-lawi Balkhi. In addition to familiarity with the process of ideas in Islamic civiliza-tion, he analyzes the human spirit as well as the skilled psychoanalysts and gives his readers a gift of thought. On the other hand, the Canadian philosopher Davis is someone who deserves to revisit analytically the "mystical experience" and, by analyzing the historical-analytical phenomenon, provides a good basis for intercul-tural dialogue between Islamic and Christian traditions. Therefore, this article tries to examine the nature, characteristics and diversity of the mystical experience from the perspective of Mawlawi and Davis.