Javinan skarn is located at 115 km north west of Isfahan (40 km south of Kashan and east of Ghohrud), is included in Central Iran structural zone and spread in contact with Ghohrud granitoid (Middle Miocene age) with shale, sandstone and limestone succession of the Jurassic age known as Shemshak Formation. Skarnification is made up of endo-and exoskarn subzones. Wide mineralization in these skarns hasn’ t observed. Endoskarn subzone has limited occurence (from a few millimeters to a few centimeters) and exoskarn has the greatest development (from 1 meter to more than 10 meters). Endoskarn with the formation of the skarn minerals garnet, pyroxene, plagioclase, epidote and sphene, is formed in the intrusive host rock and is in the vicinity of the carbonate part. In its immediate neighborhood, exoskarn subzone starts with the formation of minerals garnet, pyroxene, idocrase, epidote, phlogopite, chlorite, quartz and calcite in the carbonate section. Mineralogical studies and textural relationship of minerals have shown that the metamorphic facies اhas reached to pyroxene hornfels in skarn rocks of this area.