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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Kinematic dissimilarity analyses Dourd fault (southwestern Iran), using by Fractal, kernel and Morphotectonic




 The Dorud fault, as one of the most important seismicin segments of Zagros main recent fault, near the Arjng area it have northwest-southeast trend and continuity extended in Boroujerd area. This area is determined Kinematic dissimilarity fault the Fractal analysis of the fractures, the center of earthquakes and drainage using the of box method, For this purpose, the study area was divided into two parts based on the difference in distribution of fractures and epicenter earthquakes. Fractal dimensions of fractures, drainage and epicenter earthquakes are calculated and then compared with each other. Kernel density method to investigate the epicenter earthquakes distribution and drainage in the long fault to rate the dissimilar activity that. In the end, the analysis of evidence Morphotectonic that long it’ s to determine the horizontal, vertical displacements and net slip to be paid. Fractal analysis on Kernel density method and evidence Morphotectonic. In the end, the analysis of that long it’ s to determine the horizontal, vertical displacements and net slip to be paid. So that results of Fractal to indicate that the northern segment of the most dynamic segment spread to be identified. Also The results of the Kernel analysis and evidence Morphotectonic indicates that neither the fault that along with passing of units of different ages show different behavior and the amount of angle Rick obtained along the fault is different according to the results achieved in three segment to different long can be divided, so that angle Rick segments 1 and2 respectively126° /16° and124° /22° and long segments respectively 18 and48 kilometer, to notice the high values of rick (more of10° ) the two segments have a dominant effect of the component dip-slip relative to strike-slip but the angle rick 131° /4° in segment 3indicate of the action component strike slip that the units alluvial are plain Silakhor this segment long is 44 kilometer.


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    APA: Copy

    KAMALI, Z., HAYHAT, M.R., NAZARI, H., & KHATIB, M.M.. (2018). Kinematic dissimilarity analyses Dourd fault (southwestern Iran), using by Fractal, kernel and Morphotectonic. GEOSCIENCES, 27(109 ), 7-22. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/32659/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    KAMALI Z., HAYHAT M.R., NAZARI H., KHATIB M.M.. Kinematic dissimilarity analyses Dourd fault (southwestern Iran), using by Fractal, kernel and Morphotectonic. GEOSCIENCES[Internet]. 2018;27(109 ):7-22. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/32659/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Z. KAMALI, M.R. HAYHAT, H. NAZARI, and M.M. KHATIB, “Kinematic dissimilarity analyses Dourd fault (southwestern Iran), using by Fractal, kernel and Morphotectonic,” GEOSCIENCES, vol. 27, no. 109 , pp. 7–22, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/32659/en

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