Due to advancement and innovations in biotechnologies lunch genetic screening applications of stem cell in medicine and sophisticated life- support technologies, many bioethical challenges have been raised. Advances in medicine have greatly improved possibilities to treat seriously ill patients and to prolong life. Medical decision-making for patients with life-threatening diseases increasingly entails a balanced consideration of medical, ethical, psychosocial, and societal aspects.Currently, end of life issues are one of the top 10 health care ethics challenges facing the public. Euthanasia, withholding and withdrawing treatments, physician-assisted suicide, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, advance care planning, refusal of treatments, consent, quality of end of life care and advance directives are the main debates in this field.In this paper, we have discussed briefly the main ethical issues of ending life in brief, including the religious. We have also applied a case-based approach to clarify Islamic perspective on the issues.