There have been a lot of problems in learning experiences of interns in department of obstetrics and gynecology (Ob & Gyn), Isfahan University of Medical Sciences for the past several months. The objective of this study is to clarify the pitfalls in learning process during rotation in this department and also to suggest some recommendations for better management of the problems. The population of the study was sixty-five out of 572 interns who had finished their internship in the department of Ob & Gyn. They were selected by a multi-stage random sampling. The data were gathered by a self-administered questionnaire. The items were related to learning process and outcome of the most common emergency and outpatient health issues in Ob & Gyn. So called "MUST KNOW TOPICS". The interns' knowledge and skills regarding these topics were evaluated to show the gap between actual and desired status. Eighty-nine percent of females and 65% of males were able to diagnose a pregnancy in different months of gestation. Only 11% of females and 10% of males had cases of infectious diseases of pregnancy. Furthermore, 37% of females and only 7% of males were faced to a case abortion. Similarly, 79% of females and only 29% of males managed a patient in delivery room. As mentioned above, these figures are far bellow the desired status (the criteria). Although the deans and head of Dept. Tried to increase interns' exposure to the most common emergency and outpatient Ob & Gyn problems in different new hospitals and even showing them some video tapes about these "MUST KNOW TOPICS", observations of learning environment and interview with students did not show satisfactory change in quality. Because of these actions for improving quality of education were not following any special scientific model such as quality assurance (QA) or TOM. According to the present situation it may be suggested the administrators apply QA model. In this model one should collect data about indicators of input, process and outcome of curriculum and then set the priorities and standards of improvement. One set of these standards could be the same "MUST KNOW TOPICS". These should be determined by participation of all active members involved in learning process such as the dean, head of Dept., faculty members and students representatives. All of these team members should also be involved in other activities of quality improvement process to get the best possible result.