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سال:1393 | دوره: | شماره: |تعداد مقالات:15

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: The utilization of kiosks has previously been shown to be effective for collecting information, delivering educational modules, and providing access to health information. We discuss a review of current literature for the utilization of kiosks for the delivery of patient education.Methods: The criteria for inclusion in this literature review were: (1) study discusses the utilization of kiosks for patient health education; (2) study discusses the use of touch screens for patient health information; (3) published in English. Our review includes searches via MEDLINE databases and Google Scholar for the years 1996-2014.Results: Overall, 167 articles were screened for final eligibility, and after discarding duplicates and non-eligible studies with abstract. Full-text review of 28 articles was included in the final analysis.Conclusion: The review of available literature demonstrates the effectiveness of touch screen kiosks to educate patients and to improve healthcare, both at a performance and cost advantage over other modes of patient education.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 322

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Background: Despite the importance of student health and school hygiene as an aspect of the infrastructure of community health, few feasibility studies have been conducted on school health programs in developing countries. This study examined possible barriers to and challenges of such programs from the executive perspective in East Azerbaijan Province in Iran.Methods: This qualitative study used the content analysis approach to recognize barriers to and challenges of health promoting school program from the executive perspective. Fourteen experts were selected in the areas of children and adolescents and school health, physical education and school headmasters. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the content analysis method.Results: Five themes were extracted as major barriers and challenges: 1. Intra-and inter-sectorial collaboration; 2. Policy and rule formulation; 3. Infrastructure and capacity; 4. Human resources; 5. Community involvement.Conclusion: The localized version of the current health promoting school program had major faults. If this program is considered to be a healthcare system priority, it should be revised to set effective policies for implementation and to sustain school health programs based on the capacities and objectives of each country.

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بازدید 301

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Background: Assessing individual’s readiness to change and targeting the intervention to the level of readiness may improve successful weight loss rates. This study aimed to assess readiness for weight loss in obese women using the trans theoretical model.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 90 volunteer apparently healthy obese women, in Ardabil, Iran. Participants completed the translated and validated University of Rhode Island Change Assessment questionnaire in their first visit. Subjects were categorized into one of the stages of change based on the highest of four z-transformed scale scores. The readiness to change score was calculated.Results: More than half of the participants were in early stages of weight loss and 24.5% were in the action stage. The readiness score in the precontemplation stage was significantly lower than the other stages, but no significant difference was observed among the contemplation, action and maintenance stages. The significant correlation was observed between the stages of change and waist-to-hip ratio (r=0.33, P<0.05).Conclusion: Obese women attending the nutrition clinic are in different stages to change for weight loss. Understanding person specific stages of change orientates the dietitian to use the most appropriate counseling strategies. Hence the stages and readiness to change should be considered before implementing any intervention in clinical settings for optimal outcomes.

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بازدید 241

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Background: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral health behaviors among a sample of Portuguese adolescents and to evaluate the association with socio-demographic factors.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 447 adolescents aged 12-19 years, attending a public school in Satao, Portugal. A selfadministered questionnaire was applied for data collection.Results: The prevalence of tooth brushing (twice-a-day or more) was 90.6%. About 6% of adolescents reported daily flossing, which was more frequent among female gender (female, OR=2.03, 95%CI= (1.35 to 3.05)) and adolescents older than 15 years (>15years, OR=1.90, 95%CI= (1.24 to 2.92)). Sixty-seven percent had at least one dental appointment in the previous twelve months. The prevalence of dental appointments was associated with the father´s professional situation (unemployed, OR=0.33, 95% CI= (0.17 to 0.65)) and crowding index (>1, OR=0.4, 95%CI= (0.16 to 0.98)). Thirty-two point nine percent of adolescents referred having at least one episode of dental pain during their lives.Conclusion: The results highlight the need for improvement of oral health community programs and primary preventive strategies to reduce the risk of oral diseases and develop better oral health behaviours.

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بازدید 292

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Background: The aim of the study was to determine predictors of refraining from hookah smoking among high-school students in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran based on Prototype/Willingness model.Methods: This cross-sectional with analytic approach was performed on 240 high-school students selected by a cluster random sampling. The data of demographic and Prototype-Willingness Model constructs were acquired via a self-administrated questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean, frequency, correlation, liner and logistic regression statistical tests.Results: Statistically significant determinants of the intention to refrain from hookah smoking were subjective norms, willingness, and attitude. Regression model indicated that the three items together explained 46.9% of the non-smoking hookah intention variance. Attitude and subjective norms predicted 36.0% of the non-smoking hookah intention variance. There was a significant relationship between the participants’ negative pro-to-type about the hookah smokers and the willingness to avoid from hookah smoking (P=0.002). Also willingness predicted non-smoking hookah better than the intention (P<0.001).Conclusion: Deigning intervention to increase negative prototype about the hookah smokers and reducing situations and conditions which facilitate hookah smoking, such as easy access to tobacco products in the cafes, beaches can be useful results among adolescents to hookah smoking prevention.

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بازدید 327

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Background: Fermented foods have positive health effects in adults and children if consumed regularly. However, lack of knowledge and perceptions towards fermented foods may limit their usage. This study aimed to assess the caregivers’ awareness and usage of fermented foods for feeding children in peri-urban/rural communities of Gauteng Province.Methods: A qualitative exploratory study was conducted in June, 2012, in a peri-urban/rural community to assess the awareness and use of fermented foods by child caregivers attending a local antenatal clinic through focus group discussions.Results: Thirty three caregivers participated in the study; however 29 indicated their demographic profiles. Four major themes that emerged from the analysis included knowledge on fermented foods, perceived benefits of fermentation, varied views about fermentation and feeding practices. Fermented foods that caregivers, their families and community members consume include ting, fat cakes, dumplings, sorghum beer and mageu. Findings also showed that children consumed fermented foods in form of soft ting porridge; and yoghurt, marketed as Activia and Danone commercial brands. Also, caregivers were not comfortable feeding their children with fermented foods, indicating their limited knowledge on the nutritional value of these foods.Conclusion: It is critical to promote caregivers’ knowledge and use of fermented foods for feeding infants and young children in South African rural communities.

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بازدید 288

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Background: Service quality is considered as a main domain of quality associated with non-clinical aspect of healthcare. This study aimed to survey and improves service quality of delivered care in the Physiotherapy Clinic affiliated with the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.Methods: A quasi experimental interventional study was conducted in the Physiotherapy Clinic, 2010-2011. Data were collected using a validated and reliable researcher made questionnaire with participation of 324 patients and their coadjutors. The study questionnaire consisted of 7 questions about demographic factors and 38 questions for eleven aspects of service quality. Data were then analyzed using paired samples t-test by SPSS16.Results: In the pre intervention phase, six aspects of service quality including choice of provider, safety, prevention and early detection, dignity, autonomy and availability achieved non-acceptable scores. Following interventions, all aspects of the service quality improved and also total service quality score improved from 8.58 to 9.83 (P<0.001).Conclusion: Service quality can be improved by problem implementation of appropriate interventions. The acquired results can be used in health system fields to create respectful environments for healthcare customers.

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بازدید 231

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Background: Sufficient level of physical activity may promote overall and mental health of old people. This study was carried out to investigate the practicability of a physical activity promotion initiative amongst institutionalized older people in Tabriz, north eastern Iran.Methods: Purposive sampling method was used in this semi-experimental study to recruit 31 older people living in a selected residential care in Tabriz, the capital city of East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Moderate-intensity aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity was planned for those who had not severe baseline cognitive impairment or were not too frail to undertake the survey. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used to measure mental health status before and after intervention through a face-to-face interview. Descriptive statistics, Wilkcoxon rank-sum, Mann–Whitney U and Chi-Square tests were employed to analyses the data.Results: The applied intervention was significantly improved status of physical health, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression.Conclusion: Incorporation of physical activity promotion programs into routines of older people residential care homes in Iran is feasible but may need training of physical activity specialists to work with older people based on their physical endurance and limitations.

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بازدید 227

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Background: Intermittent fasting during Ramadan entails major changes in metabolism and energy expenditure. This study sought to determine effect of the Ramadan fasting on serum levels of adiponectin and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) as two inter-related peptides involved in cells sensitivity to insulin and glucose metabolism.Methods: Total of seventy healthy men, with age range equal or greater than 30, with at least three type2 diabetes mellitus (DM) risk factors were selected. Serum lipid profile, anthropometric indices and plasma glucose levels were determined using conventional methods. Also, serum adiponectin and TNF-a concentrations were assessed using Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay. Data were analyzed by paired t-test.Results: Ramadan fasting resulted in a significant increase of serum adiponectin (P<0.000), fasting glucose (P<0.000) and triglycride (P<0.001). Body mass index was lowered during the fasting (P<0.000). Finally, no remarkable decrease was found in serum TNF-a levels (P=0.100).Conclusion: Ramadan fasting resulted in augmented adiponectin levels which may help in improving metabolic stress induced by insulin resistance in men with predisposing factors of type2 DM.

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بازدید 273

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Background: The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a widely used self–administered instrument for evaluating the usability of a wide range of products and services. The aims of this descriptive-methodological study were to develop and investigate the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of the SUS.Methods: The study was conducted among 202 university students from the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Content validity was evaluated by a panel of 10 experts. Construct validity was assessed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were assessed by Cronbach’s alpha and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), respectively. Additionally the feasibility of the measure was judged by ceiling and floor effect.Results: Content validity of the short form of Iranian SUS was established. Factor analyses supported the conceptual uni-dimensionality, and thus confirmed the construct validity of the measure. The internal consistency (a=0.79) and test retest reliability (ICC=0.96) were both approved and there was also no ceiling nor floor effect.Conclusions: The findings support the use of SUS for both practical and research settings in Iranian population.

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بازدید 321

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Background: This study was designed to assess the effect of sesame seed on lipid profile and oxidative stress biomarkers in knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients.Methods: Fifty patients with knee OA were allocated into two groups receiving 40 g of sesame seed daily along with standard medical therapy (n=25) or standard treatment (n=25) for two months. Serum total antioxidant capacity, ma-londialdehyde (MDA) and lipid profile (total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides) were measured.Results: After the intervention period two months of study, serum TC, LDL-cholesterol and MDA decreased significantly in the sesame group (P<0.05), while no significant difference in serum values of lipid profile and oxidative stress parameters was seen in the control group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in pre and post-treatment values of lipid profile and oxidative parameters between the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion: Current study showed a positive effect of sesame seed in improving lipid profile and oxidative stress in patients with knee OA and indicated the fact that sesame seed might be of help to reduce oxidative stress in OA patients.

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بازدید 480

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Background: The present study compared the effectiveness of Family-Based DOTS (FB-DOTS) versus Professional-Family Mix DOTS (PFM-DOTS) in smear positive tuberculosis (TB) patients.Methods: This semi-experimental study was performed in Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Center of Tabriz in 2011-2012, among 57 TB patients recruited into either FB-DOTS or PFM-DOTS groups. At the baseline of the study, knowledge of both patients and their supervisors were assessed while at the end point, smear and culture of sputum, quality of life, knowledge and satisfaction of the patients along with the knowledge and satisfaction of their supervisors were assessed.Results: The difference for sputum smear negative (culture) was 16.2 (4.8%) and 7.7 (6.9%) for the PFM-DOTS in comparison with FB DOTS by the end of the second and forth months of treatment, respectively. A significant difference was observed between the two groups in relation to knowledge, satisfaction (patients and supervisors) and all four domains of quality of life: physical health (P=0.036), psychological health (P<0.001), social relations (P=0.026) and environmental health (P<0.001).Conclusion: The PFM-DOTS treatment strategy in which health experts follow the patients in their homes seems to be among most appropriate strategies in treating TB.

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بازدید 334

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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming a public health problem worldwide and using microalgae is a new approach on its treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Chlorella vulgaris supplementation on liver enzymes, serum glucose and lipid profile in patients with NAFLD.Methods: This double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted on 60 NAFLD patients from specialized clinics of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences from December 2011 to July 2012. The subjects were randomly allocated into 2 groups: 1) "intervention" (n=30) received 400 mg/day vitamin E plus four 300 mg tablets of Chlorella vulgaris and, 2) "placebo" (n=30) received 400 mg/day vitamin E and four placebo tablets per day for 8 weeks. Weight, liver enzymes and metabolic factors were assessed in fasting serum and dietary data was collected at baseline and end of the study.Results: Weight, liver enzymes, fasting blood sugar (FBS) and lipid profile decreased significantly in both groups (P<0.05). The differences in weight, ALP and FBS between the two groups were statistically significant (P=0.01, P=0.04 and P=0.02, respectively).Conclusion: C. vulgaris seems to improve FBS and lipid profile and therefore could be considered as an effective complementary treatment in NAFLD.

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بازدید 325

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Background: The present study was aimed to determine the effect of Germinated Barley Foodstuff (GBF) administration on serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and clinical signs in patients with Ulcerative Colitis (UC).Methods: Forty-six patients were randomly allocated into GBF group and control group. Subjects in control group received only conventional drug therapy, while the GBF group received 30g GBF per day (3 times a day) by oral administration during 2 month along with routine medications.Results: The mean serum CRP in the GBF group decreased significantly (P=0.017) compared with the baseline. Although the frequency of clinical signs including the number of episodes diarrhea, degree of visible blood in stool, degree of abdominal pain or cramping, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia decreased in the GBF group but it was statistically significant only in the case of abdominal pain and cramping. However, this reduction was only significant in the case of abdominal pain and cramping (P=0.016)Conclusions: The consumption of GBF along with the current medication may be efficient in attenuating the inflammation and clinical signs of UC patients.

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بازدید 296

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Background: Estimation of urban vulnerability to earthquakes can be considered as an Ill-structured problem in urban in both unplanned and planned areas. Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) provides a way to integrate different spatial data layers in a geographic information system to create composite maps representing risk. We utilized MCE in a raster Geographic Information System (GIS) to evaluate risk in vulnerable tissues of Tabriz, Iran zone.Methods: In this MCE physical risk factors and sub-factors were included and were weighted by experts. Afterward data entered to GIS and then the layers of the criteria were exported. The obtained results were entered to IDRISI and fuzzified. Ultimately the final map of physical vulnerability was outputted by overlaying order.Results: Vulnerable tissues are highly consistent to non-official areas. However, the planned area which is called Valiasr is in low risky condition and this condition is desirable in crisis times. Here, we observe the preference of physical pre-planning operations.Conclusion: The links between urban planning and health are many and varied. Environmental, social and economic conditions in cities can have both positive and negative influences on human health and centre. Urban planning and related professions play an important role in shaping those conditions.

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بازدید 254

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