In this article, with the title of "city and poem" the author tried to present the place of city and related sciences of it in contemporary literature. The purpose of this writing is searching of some viewpoints of poets about city, structures, outputs and various revenues, because the poets like the other citizens have the right presenting of thinking and their belief about the living in the city and their settlements.
Therefore, it was tried, for the basis of descriptive and analytical method, to do the composed consultation from literature and urban planning in different titles such as "city, social ecology and poets", "city, architecture and poets", "city, migration and poets" and etc.
The writter is hopeful that city makers, architectures, city planners and all experts in city fields to investigate deeply in belief and thought of this group of citizens in architectural style, management and planning. The writer is also hopeful that they respect to the wishes and needs of this group of citizens whom they are the expressive language of other citizens.