Introduction & Objective: Priority setting is as critical as conducting the research itself. Funding for research is limited and a rational priority setting process is therefore required. The aim of this progect was priority setting for health researeh in konailoyeh and boyerahmad province.
Materials & Methods: This study was performed by using, variovs methods of situational analysis that carried out with establishing working group to done systematic and scientific assessment of health status by collecting information about health system, health research and assessment health services user needs and demands by making a questionnaire, performing focus group discussion and consultation with persons in key position. Questionnaire was prepared by establishing specific committee that consist of research scientists, clinical expertise, representatives from population, nongovernmental organization, private sector and significant governmental organization which contribute to health provision. Questionnaires were completed by interviewing members of 1000 urban and 1000 rural families,
that were chosen by cluster randomized sampling. Finding were collected and discussed in strategic committee which conduct the project. This way health problems and research areas were done by simple scoring system and ENHR defined criteria suchas; intensity, frequency, urgency of the health problem and : political societal acceptibility.
Results: The results of this study included some included of
health, socioeconomic and cultural status of population, rate of mortality, reproductive health and child health problems, incidence and prevalence of diseases, environmental health status, health facilities of the family, nutritional status and rate of accidents.
Conclusion: This process led to a long list of health problems and potential areas for research. According to results the most important problems of health and related research areas were increasing prevalence of diseases, accidents, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and environmental health problems.