Carpet experts consider nobility of a Qashqai rug in properties like use of suitable wool tiber, herbaceous dyeing, mental designing and bald painting. These principles were used in a variety of samples of Qashai tribe's hand-woven carpets. On the other hand, production system in that period was based on the use of existing sources and facilities and motivated by providing financial support for the family. In this traditional period, production did not have commercial and public uses. Carpet ownership was limited to well to do families and was basically used as gift and present. However, in an industrial society several aspects of tribe life were influenced by the technological developments. The impact brought some limitations and obligations. Factors such as territorial reforms and trainings of different types changed carpet weaving and production. With the arrival of ready made factory hanks and chemical dyes quality of Qashqai products was threatened and carpets were massively produced. Merchants, dealers and intermediates' played an important role in marketing the products. Different tribes and families produced their own carpets and a variety of designs and forms emerged. All in all, industrialization did not add to the nobility of the product in this period. Some products, however, were exceptional and represented the true value of Qashqai carpet. They made best use of the new possibilities provided by technology and industry to produce the best quality carpets, relying on the traditional elements of Qashqai carpet at the same time, incorporating some innovative elements. This opened new horizons for the carpet weavers.