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variety of western carpet designs such as Bahaus School are characterized as different from the traditional designs and forms and are basically based on principles of visual arts. This variety pops up questions about the origin, causes, and relationship with oriental carpets. This paper is an attempt to answer some of these questions. To this end, history of western carpet by looking at art movements such as "William Morris Movement", "Bauhaus School", "Art Deco", "Art Noveau", and "Post-modern art".

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Bakhtiari carpet has been less studied and introduced in art studies. Compared with other carpets, its rich designs and forms are overlooked by researchers. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the value and significance of trees in Bakhtiari carpets, with emphasis on variety of its designs and forms.

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Hand-woven tribal and urban carpets are among the most valuable treasures of Iranian culture and art which have been overlooked in the past few decades. As carpet designs and forms reflect culture and life style of our ancestors and connect the past and the present, they deserves due attention. Reviving these designs and forms is way to preserve this cultural heritage. This article is an attempt to have critical view of the revival procedure and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.

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Carpet experts consider nobility of a Qashqai rug in properties like use of suitable wool tiber, herbaceous dyeing, mental designing and bald painting. These principles were used in a variety of samples of Qashai tribe's hand-woven carpets. On the other hand, production system in that period was based on the use of existing sources and facilities and motivated by providing financial support for the family. In this traditional period, production did not have commercial and public uses. Carpet ownership was limited to well to do families and was basically used as gift and present. However, in an industrial society several aspects of tribe life were influenced by the technological developments. The impact brought some limitations and obligations. Factors such as territorial reforms and trainings of different types changed carpet weaving and production. With the arrival of ready made factory hanks and chemical dyes quality of Qashqai products was threatened and carpets were massively produced. Merchants, dealers and intermediates' played an important role in marketing the products. Different tribes and families produced their own carpets and a variety of designs and forms emerged. All in all, industrialization did not add to the nobility of the product in this period. Some products, however, were exceptional and represented the true value of Qashqai carpet. They made best use of the new possibilities provided by technology and industry to produce the best quality carpets, relying on the traditional elements of Qashqai carpet at the same time, incorporating some innovative elements. This opened new horizons for the carpet weavers.

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فرش بختیاری به لحاظ ویژگیهای عشایری- روستایی کمتر از فرشهای شهری مورد مطالعه و بررسی قرار گرفته است. به خصوص طرح و نقشهای این منطقه با وجود تنوع و غنای آن چندان شناخته شده نیست.در این مقاله با تکیه بر مطالعات میدانی نقش انواع درخت در فرشهای مناطق مختلف استخراج و طبقه بندی گردیده است. ضمنا سعی شده مفاهیم کلی انواع درخت به کار گرفته شده مورد بررسی و تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گیرد تا زمینه مطالعات دقیق تر بعدی فراهم آید.

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دستبافتهای عشایری و روستایی، خاصه قالیها مهمترین جلوه گاه فرهنگ و هنر اصیل ایرانی است که در دوره معاصر رو به فراموشی بوده و متاسفانه جایگزین این هنر اصیل، کف پوشهای امروزی و غالبا ناهمگون در طرح و نقش شده اند. از آنجا که طرح و نقش، اساسی ترین بازتاب فرهنگی اقوام اصیل کهن بوده و مهمترین شاخصه های پیوند با سنتها و فرهنگهای بومی ایرانی را فراهم می آورد، لازم است جهت حفظ و صیانت این میراث ملی اقدام گردد. در این امر بدیهی است احیا عمده ترین راهکار بوده لیکن ضروری می نماید مراقبتهایی در روند احیای آنها به عمل آید، چه در غیر این صورت، الگوهای غلط باعث فراموشی و فروپاشی این هنر خواهد شد. این مقاله به انگیزه گشایش زاویه ای نو در امر احیا تلاش دارد تا آسیبهای وارده از این جناح را شناسایی، مطالعه و طرح نماید.

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Each civilization make own culture and cultural productions that have sign of identification of that culture. Islamic civilization and its genuine culture is settled this identity in obey of god's commands and Moslems are innovated some beautiful productions that symbol of this delivery. Prayer rug is one of these productions. It is necessary to Moslems to pray five times in a day. Among Turkmen people, it is necessary to exist one ore some prayer rug in bride's trousseau. This inquiry is tried to introduce kinds of prayer rugs and their patterns and symbols.

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Supply of any product is viewed an important element of production process. Lack of a product supply interferes with the production process and lead into serious damage in marketing the product in a competitive market. More specifically, due to unique characteristics of silk industry and silk such as small workshops, their spread over large areas, scattered consumers (carpet weavers), silk's seasonal nature, being bulky, its decay, multiplicity of its preparation for final product (thread), and its low price requires due attention. In this article conceptual model of supply cycle by Sohal and its components are applied to investigate the present situation of supply cycle of silk threads. The main focus of the model is on improving management of supply cycle. A number of relevant hypotheses are tested. Results showed that factors such as location of the production and uncertainty of production have significant influence on supply cycle of the product.

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Carpet weaving is an indispensable part of artistic, economic, social, and cultural heritage of Iranian civilization. This industry has been long associated with the name of Kashan. In this study the role of attitude change in job culture and tendency to work outside home and do office work in carpet weaving industry in Kashan is investigated. A sample of 926 families participated in the study. Two instruments were used for data collection; a questionnaire and an interview. A significant correlation was observed between change in attitude towards working outside and several variables of carpet weaving (r=.289/ Sig. .01).

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فرش شناسان اصالت قالیچه قشقایی را در گزینه هایی همچون کاربرد الیاف پشمی مرغوب، رنگرزی گیاهی، طراحی ذهنی و رنگ پردازی جسورانه می دانند. این اصول سالها پیش در نمونه های متعدد دست بافته های این قوم به کار گرفته می شد. از سوی دیگر نظام تولید در آن دوران متکی بر استفاده از منابع و امکانات در دسترس و به طور کلی خودکفایی خانوارها بود. تولید در این دوران تجای و انبوه نبود و کاربرد فرشها به استفاده خانوار و در نهایت هدیه و پیشکش دادن محدود می شد. اما با حضور عناصر جامعه صنعتی در زندگی عشایر- که خود از نتایج اجرای دو طرح اسکان اجباری و اصلاحات اراضی و نیز رواج آموزش عشایری بود- تولید فرش چهره جدیدی به خود گرفت. با ورود کلافهای کارخانه ای آماده و رنگهای شیمیایی، کیفیت محصولات قشقایی به خطر افتاد و تولید انبوه و تجاری با رشد فعالیت تجار، دلالان و واسطه ها رواج گرفت. در اثر آموزش عشایری و تولید تجاری، سنتهای نقش پردازی و بافندگی طوایف و تیره های مختلف ادغام گردید و به طور کلی این دوران با نوعی در هم آمیختگی و تضعیف اصالتها در فرش قشقایی همراه بود. اما در نهایت برخی تولید کنندگان خصوصی به ارزشهای واقعی فرش قشقایی توجه کردند. اینان کوشیدند با حفظ سنتها و ویژگیهای مثبت فرش قشقایی از امکاناتی که تکنولوژی دنیای صنعتی در جهت رفع معایب و مشکلات تولید این آثار ارایه می نمود، استفاده نمایند. بدین سان افقی تازه در عرصه تولید این محصولات گشوده شد.

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Special properties of Iranian wool such as elasticity compared with Merino wool leads to more popularity of Persian carpet at an international level. By using of finishing process it is possible to improve some of the physical properties of wool fibers such as fleece modification, increasing of lightness and whiteness and producing a smoother surface that result a better quality carpet. In this research influence of proteases on Iranian wool was investigated and variation in concentration and time was optimized. The results indicated that increasing of enzyme leads to increasing of loss of weight, strength and strain. With prolonged enzymatic processing it may obtain better whiteness, lightness, and bending. Changes in whiteness, bending and fineness and other properties such as weight loss, strength reduction and strain would be discussed.

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Productivity aims at improvement of the quality. Quality improvement in turn contributes to productivity. There are several means to improve the handicrafts and allow people to improve the quality of their products. Meanwhile handicrafts are being considered important from social, cultural, art and economical point of view. It contributes to local economies and eradication of poverty. By providing new market opportunities, the seal program aims at enabling handicraft producers to establish sustainable livelihoods. This will be achieved through developing networks of handicraft producers and customers, including the higher - end of the market, and through exhibitions and trade fairs. The UNESCO Seal of Excellence for handicrafts is based on the criteria such as: Excellence, Authenticity, Innovativeness, Social responsibility (Fair, labor law, Eco - Friendly) and marketability. They encourage artisans to produce handicrafts using traditional skills, patterns and themes in an innovative way in order to ensure the continuity and sustainability of these traditions and the skills. On the other hand, creativity is man's most widely and evenly distributed resource. All people seek outlets for self -expression and have the capacity to create objects to uplift the spirit and enhance peoples' lives. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promote a wide range of activities to preserve and develop both traditional and contemporary crafts. This has included a Ten - Year plan of Action for the Development of crafts in the world 1990 -2000 the annual UNESCO crafts prize to recognize the creative talents of craft producers, as well as programs to identify and bestow on the world’s most outstanding artisans the title of" Human Living Treasure." The seal of Excellence for Handicrafts program was established in 2001 by UNESCO (UNESCO Office Bangkok) in collaboration with the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA) for piloting in Asia. Referred to as the "SEAL", this program aims at ensuring the continuation of traditional knowledge and craft skills which help to preserve cultural diversity in the region. Since 2006 the SEAL program has been launched globally with the SEAL being introduced in Africa, Europe and America. The Asia program has expanded over the last few years to south Asia (2004), central Asia (2004) and was launched in East Asia in 2006. It should be mentioned that 30 countries in Asia are now taking part in this initiative. This growth has been accompanied by a new region -wide branding and increased promotion and distribution channels. For the first time Iran took part in the 2007 seal program session, held in Dushanbeh, Tajikistan from 24 -27 September, received 6 seal certificates for the Iranian handicrafts articles. Due to the importance of the program (Seal), this paper is an attempt to take a step for further introduction of the SEAL in order to prepare grounds for better participation of the relevant capable products in the future sessions.

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