The historical invasionof Mongolswithinthe years of 616 to 619 (H) brought
about great demolition and massacre in the civilized centers of Iran. After the
ebbing of the Mongol sedition,the life over the destroyed cities and villages of
Iran continued in spite of complicated and challenging conditions. But the
spread of destruction augmented due to the military skirmishes and military
expeditions within Iran. Although with the formation of IIkhanidgovernmenta
new perspectivefor the reconstructionof the city centers in Iran was developing,
the instability of Iran state of affairs as well as the differences and oppositions
between the invading group and the invaded nation hindered the formation
of construction process and development. With the rise of a Moslem Sultan,
Qazan, to the throne, a special change was brought.
The efforts of Qazan in expanding social, political, administrative,
economicaland legal reformationsbroughtabout a new milieuin IIkhanidperiod.
The most importantresult of this great historicalevent was a change in the view
of Mongal rulers of Iran toward commonpeople and the participationof Iranian
society in construction.The spread of construction in the period of Qazan ruling
was the origin of important changes in the conditions of the cities in Iran.
The present article investigatesthe importance of Qazani reformations and
its relation with construction in Iran. This article also investigates the scope of
construction in IIkhanidterritory and justifies the important measures of Qazan.