Problem statement: With the extension of human societies and the promotion of human social needs, the necessity of being present in communal spaces and identifying the components that affect the sense of attachment to the place for some human activities is of great importance. The lack of attachment, the separation of individuals from one another, and the lack of social interactions, along with other urban problems, are the result of a modernist vision of space. Research objective: The purpose of the study is to classify the qualitative components of communal spaces in residential complexes with moderate urban density in Tehran. To extract the values of qualitative, physical and perceptual qualities in the residential complex scale, as well as the manner and magnitude of the influence of physical components in creating a sense of place attachment, is the main purpose of this research. Research method: The method of this research is the combination of quantitative and qualitative method. Using the causal-comparative strategy, the effect of physical characteristics of residential spaces was studied on the attachment of residents. In order to conduct empirical and survey studies, after field surveys, based on the scale, class and form of open and closed space, different types of residential complexes were selected. From regular daily visits through behavioral recording and completing 361 questionnaires along with analysis (Multivariate regression) through the correlation strategy and quantitative analysis of the data using SPSS 19 software, were tested on several components and personality and behavioral characteristics of users. Conclusion: The results of the research show that physical components such as "privacy", "integrity", "legibility", "visual richness", "composition", "management and supervision", "natural elements" in order of priority have the greatest impact on the sense of place attachment. Therefore, the designer as the creator of space by choosing the scale and layout of the blocs together with the design of the structure of the spaces leads to a change in the sense of attachment of people living in the future.