In the Constitution Era, Ghazal, as other poetic forms, faced an expression of lyricism and was tinged with national and patriotic ideals. The poets of liberalism merged ghazals with labor mottos and social issues thus to make changes in the "thematic unity" of this poetic form. For instance, Farokhi Yazdi’s ghazals have therefore disparate structures. After Nima Youshij’s "The Myth", ghazal faced certain evolutions in form and structure in the streams of "Mid Ghazlas", "Model ghazals: Imagery ghazals", and "Post-modern ghazals". Changes in written form of ghazals conducted by Manochehr Neistani and Mohammad Ali Bahmni were considered as the primary efforts for changing the formal structure of ghazals, which faced a break in the 1990s and 2000’s and continued then after. In general, the contemporary ghazal in its "internal form" has experienced some changes, deconstruction, and the lack of thematic unity, and sometimes in its "external form" it has faced changes and innovations…