According to urban environment complexity and dynamism and need totargeted land use change, incorporation GIS and PSS in the form ofSpatial Planning Support Systems is inevitable. The aim of this study isto develop a spatial planning support system for urban land uses change(ULCMS), such that planners can enter expert knowledge in the form ofdesired criteria and weights and see their influence in results. Thedeveloped system including modules for land suitability evaluation, calculation of the area of required land and land use change. Accessmodels, neighborhood models and Multi Criteria Decision Makingmethods, fuzzy operators, linear regression, maximum potential andhierarchical optimization models is used in planning and implementationthese modules. System practical test performed for measuring residential, commercial, industrial, agriculture and service land use changes for theyear 1390 and 1395 in Shiraz city. The result shows that ULCMS helpusers in better understanding, showing complexity of land use system anddevelopment and improvement land management strategies for thecreation of better balance between urban expansion and environmentalconservation.