Social education is an important arena of new juridical issues which need to be discussed from a jurisprudential perspective. The juridical social rules play a special role in enabling the jurisprudence to address new issues. These principles are authentic documents which prove juridical rules. For this reason, analyzing, forming and introducing juridical principles, especially with a view to the effect of time and space in Ijtihad to help juridical deduction, is a jurisprudential necessity. This study seeks to examine the juridical ruling concerning social education based on a system originating in jurisprudential principles according to customary jurisprudential method. Amongst the evidences, there are also social juridical principles, in addition to individual juridical principles. According to the purport of the said general principles, social responsibility in general and in respect of social education within the framework of primary governmental rules, is the duty of the government, family, scholars and the society at large.