Organizational architecture, as the process of conceiving the method of organizing the organization, has turned into a strategic discussion, in previous decades. NAJA, as an organization offering a distinctive definition of authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran, is in need of a coherent organizational architecture as a roadmap. The present study aims to discuss and analyze the paradigms and theories of organizational architecture and, eventually, to present a strategic model for the future architecture of NAJA. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical methodology and is a practical study. Data was obtained using questionnaires. Using Cochran’ s formula, a sample size of 80 was determined. In the study, first major universal frameworks of organizational architecture are investigated, then using SOAR model, the internal and external environments of the organization are analyzed. In this regard, NAJA’ s strategic planning is presented as a SOAR model, and after identifying its strengths and opportunities, AHP is used to rate them. The findings of the study show that having the Ayatollah Khamenei as the Commander-in-Chief and the guidance provided by his holiness, having a high level of social capital and mobilizing the masses in line with NAJA’ s various missions were rated as the first, second and third priorities, respectively. In the following, several suggestions in three areas were made and in the end, the practical framework of NAJA’ s organizational architecture is presented.