One of the important theological issues that influenced the works of great
scholars of Persian literature and its effects appeared in poetry and prose is
the issue of the limits of human"s will in the world.After manydebates in this
regard, with the appearance of Abolhasan Ashari, his theology, based on
determinism, was developed among the the Sunni tradition. And in the 5th
century, with the foundation of Nezamieh schools, it found an established
status. Sadi who was educated in these schools, not only was familiar with
such a wayof thinking but also he used it in his works. One example is the
fourth story of the first chapter of Golestan that is the dispute between a king
and his minister in training a teenager from a group of bandits. What the king
has expressed in this story, is intact the reflection of Ashari"s determinist
thinking and what the minister has expressed is the reflection of those who
believe in will (arbitrariness). Comparing these two with other sayings of Sadi
we can understand the fact that he analysed these two ways of thinking
artistically without mentioning "will" and "determinism",Finally he supported
what the king had said. In fact, in this way,Sadi has implicitlyexpressed the
justification for his point of view.