The over production of collagen is the basic mechanism for keloid formation. Recent studies have shown the inhibitory effect of interferons on deual fibroblast growth and collagen production. Various therapeutic modalities have been used with limited success for the treatment of keloid. In this study, recombinant human interferon a2b was examined for its ability to treak keloid and prevent recurrence. Patients were studied in two groups. Six cases were treated with keloid excision and adjunctive intradermal IFN a2b injections (0.5 mlu/ linear cm every 10 days for two months). In the second group, the same dose of IFN a2b was intralesionally injected. After 10 months, 50% of keloids in the first group recurred, but there was no recurrence in the auricular area.
Recurrence was significantly lower in keloids with lower length. (P = 0.049) In the second group, there was 40% reduction in volume and 34% in height of lesions after 4 months (Pvolume = 0.02, Pheight= 0.03).
No serious complication was seen. There was no significant relation between treatment response and other factors including, location (H & N vs. others), number of injections, keloid age and previous treatment. Although IFN a2b significantly reduced the size of keloids, lesions were not completely cured. So more extensive studies seem to be required in this regard.