Nowadays the role of foreign capital as an effectivefactor in making
the development trend of societies, is an accepted matter. A Society is said
to be successful in absorption of foreign capital if a suitable processing
conditions are prepared, In this regard various societies through different
approaches decide to attract the capital of multinational companies and other
capital resources of the world and there is a vast competition among them in
chosing the effective approaches for foreign capital attraction. The first
section of this article tries to recognize some of the political and economical
parameters governing the development trend of societies through
propounding the theoritical development views. Then accepts the assumption
of interaction between foreign investment flow and development, and also the
above mentioned parameter in the form of internal and external factors
affecting the absorption trend of foreign capital to the societies have been
discussed. And at the end of this section the performance of these factors in
Iranian economy is considered.
In the second section, having noticed the performance of the above
mentioned factors, we will have a brief look at the foreign investment flow to
Iran, and then effective political and economical solutions on the increment of
this variable are provided.