Human Development has been defined as enlarging people's choices in a way which enables them to lead longer, healthier and fuller lives, in a democratized society. Human Development Index (HDI) has been measured and compared by three indices. A long and healthy life is measured by life expectancy at birth, knowledge by the adult literacy rate and the combined gross enrollment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools and a decent standard of living is measured by GDP per capita or purchasing power parity. The above mentioned indices, which are components of Human Development Index, are summed up and divided to three. According to Human Development Reports, Iran Index has increased from 56% in 1975 to 73% in 2002.Meanwhile world average index was 0.729% in 2002. Among 177 UN members, the ranking for Iran was 106 in 2001 and 101 in 2002. Although, the HDI has an ascending trend in Iran, the three indices may be increased, while the HDI is decreased, because the value or longevity, knowledge and living level are determined by the highest and the least values of specific countries and it shows the rank of each country in comparison to the other countries. Health care managers and health staff have a key role in enhancing the health indices, and accordingly they have a great share in Human Development and improving Iran in the world rankings.