Introduction: Consumption of ecstasy (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA), a derivative of amphetamine, can results in various undesirable side effects including hematological and serological parameters. This study is intended to examine the effects of curcumin along with MDMA in the early and late phase of consumption on hematological parameters and serum immunoglobins (IgM, IgG and IgA) levels. Methods: We used 56 male rats that are divided into 7 groups: group1 (control), group2 (MDMA+vehicle1), group3 (curcumin), group4 (MDMA+early curcumin), group5 (MDMA+vehicle2), group6 (MDMA+late curcumin) and group7 (MDMA+early&late curcumin). The groups were received MDMA (20mg/kg) orally and curcumin (20μ M/kg) intra-peritoneally for 2 and 4 weeks (n=8). After 24h of final dose, rats were anesthetized and blood samples were collected and used for determination of hematological parameters and IgM, IgG and IgA levels using a Coulter Automated Cell Counter and ELISA kit. Results: Our data indicated that either MDMA alone or in combination with curcumin in both early and late phases decreased lymphocytes, platelet, total leukocyte count and RBC, MCHC, RDW, immunoglobin levels, as well as hemoglobin content in comparison with the control group. In contrast, the amount of neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, mean cell volume and HCT increased. Furthermore, we observed blood parasites of red blood cells in the MDMA groups with curcumin. Conclusion: In conclusion, MDMA alone and in combination of curcumin altered the hematological parameters. Furthermore, their combination therapy induces toxic effects on hematological parameters and serum immunoglobin levels. This is a serious consequence for recreational drug users.