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The press language is one of the senses of the standard language. It is expected to see no objections and difficulties in such a language. For removing possible difficulties of the press language and applying linguistic prescriptions, in the first step we should clearly, describe the language which applied in different parts of the press. First, we should exactly describe objections of the press language scientifically and documentary and classify and analyze them, then, prescribe standard patterns and structures. Such a description also, provides a lot of raw materials for execution of other researches.This research introduces basic theoretical subjects for analyzing the press language to make easy the execution of the next researches in this area. This research tries to support theoretically and analyzes in the area of the press language. With due attention to theoretical subjects, specified number of sentences in different parts of the press have been studied from editorial objections point of view in technical, linguistic and rhetorical areas and while alluding to their most problems, we have tried to suggest alternative forms proportional to Persian standard language.This project has been described, collected and executed base on the need of media and necessities of standardizing the Persian language and ordered by the media studies and development office of the press deputy of the Islamic culture and guidance ministry to achieve the following goals:1- Identifying the most important non standard linguistic patterns in the press language.2- Classifying and dividing non standard linguistic patterns. 3- Studying frequent non standard linguistic patterns of the press and concluding it.4- Presenting solutions for controlling and correcting application of linguistic patterns in the press.

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Transoxania, one of the greatest and most glorious regions of Iran, and the Islamic World in general, has passed through many good and bitter experiences during its history. Among the common issues of literature of Iran and this region as the cultural motherland of the Iranian world is the fairly similar fate of its poets and writers in the face of cultural, political, and social changes and instabilities and geographical displacements which often took place in some periods of the region's history.Migration poetry and migration poets' narratives are some of these common issues. Having a look at the history of migration poetry in Transoxania in Mogul period, this paper with content analysis (qualitative) is the first attempt to explore and investigate. the intellectual elements of this inheritance in the poetry of Transoxania poets who migrated .abroad in the twentieth century and Uzbek migrant poets in the last two decades of the twentieth century, with an emphasis on their careful attention to Persian language and Iranian culture as the shared identity of Persian-speakers all over the world. This paper consists of two parts:1- Migration poetry during Russia's domination and prevalence of communism2- Migration poetry during independence period (since 1991)

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Historical past is always an important part of individual and social identities. The present article studies numerous parades of Iranian identity in various historical periods by focusing on the method of Seyyed Javad Tabatabai. Accepting the importance of historical vision, he comments on the historical periods for understanding the history of ideas and the history as general. He divides the history of Iran into two ancient and modem ages, every ages; in turn, has subdivisions. Recognizing the importance of ethnic self-consciousness for the rising of national self-consciousness, Tabatabai believes that in every period, Iranians Identity has been shaped by the interaction of these two parameters. Then sometimes "Idea of Iran Land (Iran Shahr)" and sometimes rising of Iranian-descent dynasties such as Tahirids, Samanids and Buyida, were categories of Ethnic consciousness and sometimes, according to Tabatabai, Persian poets such as Firdowsi and Hafiz, were the carriers of "Ethnic consciousness" categories. With catastrophic excursions of Mongols, but, Iranian medieval began which led to the decadence of Persian literature and rationalism and the dominance of superficial religious knowledge and practices. In consequence, we witness the decadence and the retrogression of political thinking in Iran. 

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There are different ideas regarding the origin of Iranian Identity and its components. Composed of several ethnic groups, the concept of Iranian nation should also clarify carefully.In modem Iran, there have been tensions, crisis and conflicts over the description and usage of the concepts of ethnic groups.In this article, the authors attempt to look at the historical concept of Iran, Iranian Identity regarding the ethnic diversity of the country, and to analyze the different aspects. In this regard finally to propose a model of policy to strengthen national identity in Iran.

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    1 (33)
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Using the policy of "unity hence multiplicity", the promotion of national identity in order to have unity and collective integration and protecting ethnic identities is proving to be. true. This study deals with the sociology of the relation of national identity and ethnic identity among Kurdish students, focusing on scientific and accurate response to the following questions: A: How much is the. rate of the bond of national identity and ethnic identity?B: What is the relationship between national identity and ethnic identity? The findings of this study reveal that Kurdish students show great bond to the all categories of their national identity and ethnic identity; however, they show paucity of bond to the government categories and this arises from the existence of significant inequality which they think: the government is responsible for it. It also reveals that in spite of some of the theories, there is no reciprocal relation between national identity and ethnic identity, but it is a direct and consistent relation. It means that people have multiple identities by which they identify themselves in specific situations. In multivariate analysis, the variable of social inequality has a critical importance which specified the highest level of explanation and prediction of the national and ethnic identity.

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    1 (33)
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Identity is one of the basic axes in cultural sociology that has been considered by great deal of researchers and scientists of social sciences in a few last decades. This study examines the experimental result to aficionados of cultural and the youth problems by probing and researching various kinds of identity among adolescents of Babolsar city for studying this topic Giddens theory of identity was used as a frame.Results of this study, obtained from a sample of 380 cases which was gained through proportionate multistage cluster stratified sampling by use of Cochran technique of calculating sample size from 9905 population, indicate that socio-economic status and education variables have correlation with types of identity (religious, national group, family and personal) among the youth. In general women's tendency rate towards collective identity is more than that rate for men. In addition with regard to Giddens theory in this research it can be said that, individual's achieved characteristics have remarkable role in formation of their personal identity in late modernism Meanwhile by bonding types of identity with the youth's education rate it has been proved that achieved characteristics have crucial impact on revealing personal identity.

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    1 (33)
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This essay studies the attitudal factors affecting on relationship between tribal and national identity of family chiefs in Nourabad Mammassani city.In other words, what attitudes have the most impacts on the collective biases of the family chiefs in this town as holders of Luri identity. We used Alexander s approach of cultural sociology as research frame. In this approach, against classical theories, culture is considered as an "independent", not as a "dependent" or "soft" variable.Chief attitude variables in this essay are rationality; trusting, open social relationship, and straightforward. Data analysis was done by both bivariate and multivariate procedure and path analysis in which the following results were obtained: the entire variable, except social trust, had positive direct and negative indirect relationship with national identity and tribal identity respectively. Besides, the correlation of rational motive with tribal identity wasn t significant, and national and tribal identity are negatively correlated to each other. Finally, 58 percent of the variance of the nationalistic tendencies in the observed statical society was explained by all of the variables.

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حاجیان خدیجه


مطالعات ملی

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    1 (33)
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دیگر بار هویت ایرانی و بازتاب آن در ادبیات فارسی با تکیه بر شعر (نظم)، دست مایه تدوین کتابی شده است؛ «ایران زمین در شعر فارسی»، گردآوری منوچهر لک، از انتشارات موسسه مطالعات ملی است که به چاپ نخست آن در سال 1384 و در 256 صفحه به بازار کتاب عرضه شده است.کتاب دارای یک مقدمه سه صفحه ای و دو فصل است. فصل اول به «مفاهیم و نظریات» اختصاص دارد و عنوان فصل دوم «مولفه های ایران زمین در شعر فارسی» است. در پیشگفتار دو صفحه ای که قبل از مقدمه به چاپ رسیده، ناشر بیشتر بر عنصر دفاع از سرزمین و نقشی که این عنصر در بازتاب مقوله هویت ملی دارد، تکیه کرده است و در مقدمه، مولف، دلیل انتخاب شعر در تبیین موضوع «هویت ایرانی» را دو چیز دانسته است: نخست اینکه شعر هر زمان، همچون آینه ای منعکس کننده اوضاع اجتماعی آن دوران است و دوم آنکه در شعر، سهم ناخودآگاه [شعر] بیش از خودآگاه اوست، بنابراین، محصول احساس و اندیشه شاعر، سرشار از صداقت است.

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جعفری (قنواتی) محمد


مطالعات ملی

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  • Issue: 

    1 (33)
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در شماره 31 فصلنامه مطالعات ملی، مقاله ای با عنوان «روایت اجتماعی- فرهنگی قصه های ترکمنی» چاپ شده است که به نظر می رسد در استفاده از داده ها و اطلاعات گردآوری شده برای تحلیل، دچار نوعی افراط گرایی و غلو شده است. این افراط گرایی و غلو نتایج تحلیل را بی اعتبار کرده است.هدف نویسندگان مقاله این بوده است که با استفاده از گونه ای ادب شفاهی، یعنی قصه، به تحلیل و بررسی روندهای فرهنگی و اجتماعی ترکمن ها بپردازند. خود آنها در مقدمه نوشته اند: «در این مقاله، به مطالعه قصه هایی می پردازیم که پیدا و پنهان زندگی قوم ترکمن را برای ما نمایان می سازند». عنوان مقاله نیز با هدف نویسندگان تناسب کامل دارد. بر این اساس، آنها باید برای تحلیل خود قصه هایی را انتخاب می کردند که یا در محدوده حوزه فرهنگی ترکمن ها ابداع شده باشند یا اینکه روایت خاص هم میهنان ترکمن ما از قصه هایی باشند که در محدوده ای گسترده تر یا در حوزه هایی دیگر نیز رواج دارند؛ اما آنها عملا قصه هایی را به عنوان مواد تحلیل مورد استفاده قرار داده اند که با موارد گفته شده انطباق ندارند. روشن شدن موضوع مستلزم اندکی توضیح درباره «قصه های منطقه ای» است.

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