The author of this paper is of the view that the Shiite theological position of the Shiite prevents emergence and growth of extremism, violence as well as promotion of terrorism and in the meantime it blocks any possibility of extremism, criminal atrocities and expansion of non-believers realm of domination. The research has found that due its obedience to Ahl Al-Bait (the House of the Prophet Muhammad P. B. U. H), establishment of rationalism especially during the reform movements in the contemporary age including in the works of various thinkers like Motahari, Allame Tabatabai, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Imam Khomeini who have discussed several issues like monotheism, prophethood, justice, imamate, resurrection, force and freedom, inherent goodness and grace, and the virtue of reason and independence of reason, the Shiite theological positions have prevented emergence of violation and extremism among the Shiite Muslims. This approach has found a proper bed in principles of Shiite jurisprudence and jurisprudence itself and with the guidance provided for the youth and the society it has prevented any inclination towards terrorism in the Shiite societies.