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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Impact of Oil Contamination and Physical Weathering on Water Repellency and Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Loam and Clay Loam Soils




 Background and Objectives: Soil and groundwater contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons might cause negative environmental impacts. It may adversely affect soil physical conditions and quality such as hydraulic properties via raising Soil water repellency. Soil structure is an important physical characteristic depending on pore size distribution and continuity, and it can affect several soil physical and chemical processes. Soil structure might be affected by physical weathering processes such as wetting/drying and freezing/thawing cycles. It is possible to reproduce the natural soil structure in the laboratory by imposing wetting/drying and freezing/thawing cycles on the repacked soil samples. This would minimize the possible changes in soil structure during core sampling from the field. Few studies have been conducted about the interactive effect of oil contamination, soil texture and structure on Soil water repellency and hydraulic properties. The present study aims to investigate the interaction effects of crude oil application, soil texture and weathering-induced structure on Soil water repellency and hydraulic properties.Methodology: In this study, the effect of crude oil application and physical weathering on water repellency and hydraulic properties of two soils (sandy loam and clay loam) was studied in a factorial experiment of completely randomized design with three replicates. Soil samples were collected from 025 cm layer of agricultural lands in Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari province, central Iran (sandy loam and clay loam soils were located in 32° 43' N 51° 59' E and 32° 29' N 50° 42' E, respectively). The soil was ground and sieved through a 4-mm mesh to exclude the gravel particles and plant residues. Crude oil was solved in the n-hexane and added to soil with the concentrations of 0.5 and 1 %w/w of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). Besides, a control without crude oil addition was included in the experiment. The treated soils were then poured into stainless cylinders (height and diameter of 5 cm) and packed to natural bulk density of 1.45 and 1.43 g cm-3 for sandy loam and clay loam soils, respectively. Half of the prepared soil samples were tested immediately and named “repacked” treatment and the rest wetted and dried for five months under normal conditions in the greenhouse and was named “physical weathering” treatment. Thus, a total of 36 soil samples were prepared (2 soil types × 3 levels of water repellency × 2 weathering treatments × 3 replicates). Then, water repellency was determined by water drop pentetration time (WDPT) on the treated soil cores. Soil water characteristic curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were measured on the soil cores and modeled by van Genuchten equation. Soil physical quality indicators including field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), available water colntent (AWC), macroporosity (Macro-P), mesoporosity (Meso-P), microporosity (Micro-P), and Dexter’s index for soil physical quality (SDexter) were calculated as well.Findings: The results showed that soil hydraulic properties were significantly affected by the experimental treatments. Water retention was greater in the clay loam soil compared to the sandy loam soil. Oil contamination reduced soil water retention at all matric suctions (0 to 15000 cm) due to oil-induced water repellency and soil resistance against wetting (as observed by an increment in WDPT). The effect of oil contamination on water retention was greated in the sandy loam soil than in the clay loam soil due to lower specific surface area of coarse-textured soils. The Ks, saturated water content (s) and residual water content (r) decreased, and scaling () and shape (n) parameters increased significantly due to oil-induced water repellency. The Ks of 1% TPHs-treated samples (i.e., 5.64 cm h-1) was significantly lower than that of control (i.e., 7.98 cm h-1). The s and r significantly decreased by 1% oil contamination (i.e., 0.457 and 0.112 cm3 cm-3) compared to the control (i.e., 0.547 and 0.122 cm3 cm-3), respectively. However, the parameters  and n were significantly greater in the 1% TPHs-treated samples (i.e., 0.240 cm-1 and 1.56) compared to the control (i.e., 0.130 cm-1 and 1.36), respectively. Physical weathering significantly increased s. The The Ks and Macro-P were significantly greater in the sandy loam soil whereas the Meso-P and Micro-P were significantly greater in the clay loam soil. The FC, PWP and AWC were significantly greater in the clay loam soil than in the sandy loam soil. The FC, PWP, Meso-P and Micro-P decreased but the Macro-P and SDexter increased in the oil-contaminated soil samples. The AWC significantly decreased from 0.084 (control) to 0.049 cm3 cm-3 due to 1% oil contamination. Physical weathering intensified the oil-induced water repellency (i.e., an incement in WDPT from 23.9 in repacked soil to 30.2 s in weathered soil), and reduced water retention in the sandy loam soil more than in the clay loam soil. The Ks, Macro-P and Micro-P were significantly greater in the weathered soil samples than in the repacked ones.Conclusion: As coarse-textured soils with low specific surface area are more prone to water repellency compared to fine-textured soils, they became water-repellent quicker upon physical weathering. It seems that physical weathering stimulated soil structure formation and intensified the oil-induced water repellency. The findings of this study are important for the management of oil contamination in different soil (texture and structure) conditions.


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