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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 After heavy rain falls in late Apr. of 2010 in Tehran, an epizootic occurred amongst hoverflies (Eupeodes corollae Fabricius) population in green spaces of Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, caused by an entomopathogenic fungus. Infected flies fixed to the upper parts of whitetop (Lepidium draba L.) and small tumbleweed mustard (Sisymbrium loeslii L.) plants with their proboscis and clasped legs, their head went downwards and their wings spread latero-dorsally (Fig. 1, a, b). The fungus produced conidiophores, which ruptured the host cuticle at the intersegmental membranes, resulting in cream-coloured mycelial bands on the abdomen or in a complete cover of the dorsal abdomen. They forcibley discharged around primary conidia, many of them landed on wings and on the surface of the cadaver. Lacto phenol Aceto Orcein (LPAO) was used as a mounting medium for slides prepared directly from dead insects. Studied slides showed unbranched conidiophores terminally enlarged up to a diameter of 19.2-25.6 (19-28) mm and contained 16-24 (13-29) nuclei with a diameter of 4-5.6 (3.5-7) mm (Fig. 1, c-e). Primary conidia were companulate and measured 27.5-33.5x23-27.4 (21-37x20-30) mm (L/D=1.13-1.30), containing 13-23 nuclei with a diameter of 2.5-4 (2.5-5) mm. They had a distinct apical point, a flat to slightly rounded papilla and the projected ones were surrounded by a halo which was the residual of ruptured outer wall of primary conidium (Fig. 1. f-h). They produced secondary conidia which were homogenous in shape, measuring 21.2-26x17-21.3 (20-29x16-25) mm (L/D= 1.15-1.32). They contained 11-23 nuclei, with no apical point or sorrounding halo (Fig. 1, i-k). Hence no rhizoids and cystidia were observed. Based on these data the fungus was identified Entomophthora syrphi Giard (Keller 2002). E. syrphi has been reported from Europe on smaller syrphids (e.g. Melanostoma spp. and Platycherius spp.); Eupeodes corollae and larger syrphids were supposed to be the host of another species, Entomophthora grandis Keller, which has few differences from E. syrphi with larger conidia, less pronounced apical point on primary conidia and more nuclei per conidia. As species of Entomophthora have a narrow host range, it seems that molecular evidences or further morphological features are needed for recognition of these two species. This fungus was reported by Ghazavi & Baniameri (2008).Materials examined: On Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius), Farrokhi, 26.4.2010; on the same host, Zangeneh, 2.5.2010 (IRAN 14649 F).


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    APA: Copy

    ZANGENEH, S., & FAROKHI, SH.. (2010). ENTOMOPHTHORA SYRPHI, A NEW SPECIES OF ENTOMOPHTHORALES FOR IRAN. ROSTANIHA, 11(1 (38)), 105-106. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1300/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ZANGENEH S., FAROKHI SH.. ENTOMOPHTHORA SYRPHI, A NEW SPECIES OF ENTOMOPHTHORALES FOR IRAN. ROSTANIHA[Internet]. 2010;11(1 (38)):105-106. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1300/en

    IEEE: Copy

    S. ZANGENEH, and SH. FAROKHI, “ENTOMOPHTHORA SYRPHI, A NEW SPECIES OF ENTOMOPHTHORALES FOR IRAN,” ROSTANIHA, vol. 11, no. 1 (38), pp. 105–106, 2010, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1300/en

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