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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Stylistics of Qur’ anic Illumination in Shiraz School With Emphasis on the Decorative forms factor




 Illumination is one of the most important Islamic arts and Qur'an decoration, which displays a wide range of talents of Muslim artists. From the early days of Islam, Muslim illuminators have always used talent, creativity, and innovation to Form various styles of illumination. Among the important book designing centers in the Islamic lands, Shiraz is always known as one of the most important schools of book designing in which various styles of Illumination, Ta'shir and Calligraphy have been created over the course of the years. Among the important styles of book designing of Shiraz school, there are decorated Qur'ans of eight to thirteen centuries (AH) which have Formed three important styles of Qur'an decoration of Shiraz school. Recognition and study of stylistics based on Form components and achievement of the main features of the important Qur'an decoration of Shiraz school are the main aims of this study. Therefore, in order to achieve this aim, among the Qur'ans of these three eras, a Qur'an of from the Ilkhanate era, a Qur'an from the Teimuri era and two Qur'ans from the Qajar era have been selected purposively. The present study is descriptive-analytical with Formalistic stylistics approach. One of the most important results of this study is the introduction of the Form structure and stylistic features of these three eras. The eras can be named as Yeganeh, Pardis and Farshineh on the basis of the Form structures. The reason for naming these three eras is characteristics of the significant Forms used in these three eras or styles.


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    APA: Copy

    Zakariae Kermani, Iman, Khoshbakht, Zahra, & Khajeh Ahmad Atari, Ali Reza. (2018). Stylistics of Qur’ anic Illumination in Shiraz School With Emphasis on the Decorative forms factor. ISLAMIC ART, 14(29 ), 201-228. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/136750/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Zakariae Kermani Iman, Khoshbakht Zahra, Khajeh Ahmad Atari Ali Reza. Stylistics of Qur’ anic Illumination in Shiraz School With Emphasis on the Decorative forms factor. ISLAMIC ART[Internet]. 2018;14(29 ):201-228. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/136750/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Iman Zakariae Kermani, Zahra Khoshbakht, and Ali Reza Khajeh Ahmad Atari, “Stylistics of Qur’ anic Illumination in Shiraz School With Emphasis on the Decorative forms factor,” ISLAMIC ART, vol. 14, no. 29 , pp. 201–228, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/136750/en

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