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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Explanation of Fractal-Like Geometry in Context-Oriented Structure of Persian Bazaar




 The lack of continuity of the values ​ ​ of Islamic art and architecture in the design of new structures in the Historical context is a limitation and threat to the life of these precious urban areas. Among these, contexts of traditional Iranian bazaar, as valuable but problematic areas which have been subjected to the crisis of functional-physical constraints of new and uncontrolled structures, are the fields whose recognition of their qualitative features is essential for the emergence of coherent interactions with context. In this paper, therefore, aimed at explaining the language of the context-centered pattern of Traditional Market as an outstanding example of traditional Iranian art and architecture, first the analytical-descriptive method, as the subset of the qualitative research methodology, is used to collect and analyze the necessary information. In the second part, using the visual fractal analysis method, the correlation between the context-oriented quality components of the Traditional Market elements, was examined with a Fractal Geometry pattern, with emphasis on open and closed spaces. The findings suggest the context-orientation of Traditional Markets in urban, neighborhood and domestic scale in such a way that the visual analysis in three macro-, medium and micro scales confirms the overlapping of quality values of context-orientation with a fractal-likel geometric pattern manifested concretely in conceptual mentality of traditional architect. Fractal geometric scales embodying behavioral-functional scales reflects the semantic integration from unified and dynamic Islamic worldview. The patterns similar to (chambers) Timcheh and pattern for open spaces as strong centers of medium provides the junction and integration of macro and micro scale and corresponding to law of reverse power of fractal dimension, the more scalable the micro components are, the greater they are in number.


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    Alavizadeh, Seyedeh Elham, ISLAMI, SEYED GHOLAMREZA, & Habib, Farh. (2018). Explanation of Fractal-Like Geometry in Context-Oriented Structure of Persian Bazaar. ISLAMIC ART, 14(29 ), 28-58. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/136751/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Alavizadeh Seyedeh Elham, ISLAMI SEYED GHOLAMREZA, Habib Farh. Explanation of Fractal-Like Geometry in Context-Oriented Structure of Persian Bazaar. ISLAMIC ART[Internet]. 2018;14(29 ):28-58. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/136751/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyedeh Elham Alavizadeh, SEYED GHOLAMREZA ISLAMI, and Farh Habib, “Explanation of Fractal-Like Geometry in Context-Oriented Structure of Persian Bazaar,” ISLAMIC ART, vol. 14, no. 29 , pp. 28–58, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/136751/en

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