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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Survey of Inscriptions on Traditional Buildings in Aspects on the Issue of Security and Justice in Creating Social Sustainability (The Case Study: Arak city)




Sustainability which has to be taken into consideration since the 1960s is one of the main issues in the field of urban spaces in order to visually beautify and increase the responsibility of managers to their peripheral environment. Small towns are a great illustration of the community development process designed to stimulate creative, dynamic and coherent activities focusing on the development of sustainable social, environmental and economic indicators. This huge project, with the collaboration of artists, architects, researchers and local communities, leads to a sustainable and common understanding of the issues and opportunities for the realization of security and justice in building social Sustainability. In this regard, this paper, using a descriptive-analytical method, suggests that it seems that in Arak, social justice and social security have a positive and significant impact on sustainable social development. Therefore, in this research, the first library information and questionnaires were collected. Using Delphi techniques, 50 expert opinions have been used to determine the weight of each indicator in explaining the social Sustainability of Arak city. Then, using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and also using SPSS software, the data was analyzed using the mean of a community test, the status of indicators in establishing sustainable social development in Arak city. However, regarding the results of the factor load, out of 25 questions of 17 questions, which have a factor of more than 0. 7, indicates a high quality. Also, all the calculated 10 The Ph. D. in Urban Planning, Azad University of Malayer, Malayer, Iran, mghohye@gmail. com. 11 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Azad University of Malayer, Malayer, Iran, malekhoseini@yahoo. com. 12 Associate Professor, Earth Sciences Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, B-Rahmani@sbu. ac. ir. 13 Master of Science (MSc), Civil-Structure Engineering, Azad University of Arak, Arak, Iran, mehdi. ghohye@iran. ir. نشریه علمی-پژوهشی مطالعات هنر اسلامی, سال پانزدهم, شماره 33 فصل بهار 98 عنوان مقاله: بررسی کتیبه های بناهای سنتی با موضوع امنیت و عدالت در ایجاد پایداری اجتماعی )نمونه موردی: شهر اراک( 219 coefficients were determined by the significance of the hypotheses at the 99% confidence level of the variables, which indicates the high traffic congestion per day, the existence of worn and rotten texture in the Arak market's historical texture. The research Aims: 1. The identification of effective indicators in sustainable social development of Arak city. 2. The survey of the inscriptions on traditional buildings that explain the concept of security and justice in previous history in comparison to the present. The research questions: 1. What is the situation of the sustainable development in Arak city with its effective factors, such as security, and social justice? 2. How do traditional inscriptions depict the concept of security and justice in previous history in comparison with the present?


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    APA: Copy

    Ghohye, Behnaz, Malekhoseini, Abbas, RAHMANI, BIJAN, & Ghohye, Mehdi. (2019). The Survey of Inscriptions on Traditional Buildings in Aspects on the Issue of Security and Justice in Creating Social Sustainability (The Case Study: Arak city). ISLAMIC ART, 15(33 ), 190-219. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/136827/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ghohye Behnaz, Malekhoseini Abbas, RAHMANI BIJAN, Ghohye Mehdi. The Survey of Inscriptions on Traditional Buildings in Aspects on the Issue of Security and Justice in Creating Social Sustainability (The Case Study: Arak city). ISLAMIC ART[Internet]. 2019;15(33 ):190-219. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/136827/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Behnaz Ghohye, Abbas Malekhoseini, BIJAN RAHMANI, and Mehdi Ghohye, “The Survey of Inscriptions on Traditional Buildings in Aspects on the Issue of Security and Justice in Creating Social Sustainability (The Case Study: Arak city),” ISLAMIC ART, vol. 15, no. 33 , pp. 190–219, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/136827/en

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