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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effect of reservoir shape factor on dam-break waves by using of Leap-Frog and Lax methods in curvilinear coordinates




 Background and Objectives: Prediction of Dam break flood flow characteristic such as water depth and velocities component has always been of interest for hydraulic engineers because of its impact on the severity of the terrible Dam break. In the past, many studies have been conducted to investigate the dam-break flood waves hydraulic properties by using numerical methods. Present study performed in order to expand research dominate in numerical solution and factors influencing the Dam break phenomenon. In this research, a comprehensive computer model has been developed on Curvilinear coordinate in which using the explicit finite difference method and simultaneous use of Leap-Frog and Lax algorithms on the staggered mesh the shallow water equations were solved to simulated Dam break problem. The number of involved points in discretization scheme increase by using this method therefore the sharp geometric and hydraulic gradients smooth and the probability of oscillation and divergence decrease without the use of artificial viscosity. Materials and Methods: The governing equations in the present research are the shallow water equations. Due to the inability of the Cartesian coordinate system to reflect the physical irregular boundaries of domain, the governing equations were discretized on the Curvilinear coordinate system. The explicit method and simultaneously utilize of Leap-Frog and Lax algorithms were used to discretization of the governing equations. Results: In order to validate the present model, the model results were compared to experimental data and the results of other numerical models have been proposed by pervious researchers in several case studies. One of these cases is the ideal Dam break in rectangular wide channel with length of 100 m including tail water, the results indicated the water surface profile and flow discharge along the channel at 10 second after Dam break, was simulated with a high accuracy. The second case was simulation of the Dam break of a trapezoidal reservoir with a large side of 2. 04 m, a small side of 0. 51 m and a length of 2. 02 m connected to dry bed downstream channel with length of 9. 3 m and wide of 0. 51. The calculated flow and stage hydrographs at dam location were closed to the experimental measured data with reasonable accuracy. The partial asymmetric Dam break in wet bed is another case investigated in this study, simulation of stage and discharge hydrographs in asymmetric Dam break in a reservoir with a length and width of one meter for three different shape factor of 1, 1. 25 and 1. 5 was performed in this case. The result indicated that by increasing the shape factor, peak points of stage and discharge hydrographs increase due to increasing of reservoir volume. Conclusion: In this research, a numerical model has been developed on Curvilinear coordinate in which using simultaneous Leap-Frog and Lax algorithms on the staggered mesh the shallow water equations were solved to simulated Dam break phenomenon. In the simulation of the ideal Dam break with tail water, the present model ability to approximate the analytical solution is highly accurate. In the simulation of Dam break in trapezoidal reservoirs on the dry bed, the results of the present numerical model are in agreement with experimental results, also in studying the main objective of the research, the results of the present numerical model for simulating partial asymmetric Dam break with different shape factor (1, 1. 25 and 1. 5) of reservoir in dry bed have been investigated. It was observed that water surface profile changes by changing the shape factor to 1. 25 and 1. 5 after changing the shape of the walls of the reservoir compared to the reservoir with the coefficient of 1, it increases by 17. 98% and 28. 26%, respectively. Also, the amount of discharge flow per unit width for the reservoir with a coefficient of 1. 25 and 1. 5, compared to the reservoir with coefficient 1 was increased by 27. 24% and 41. 32%, respectively.


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    APA: Copy

    MEHRMOUSAVI, Z., GHOBADIAN, R., & JAVAN, M.. (2019). Effect of reservoir shape factor on dam-break waves by using of Leap-Frog and Lax methods in curvilinear coordinates. JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES), 26(1 ), 131-150. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/156504/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MEHRMOUSAVI Z., GHOBADIAN R., JAVAN M.. Effect of reservoir shape factor on dam-break waves by using of Leap-Frog and Lax methods in curvilinear coordinates. JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES)[Internet]. 2019;26(1 ):131-150. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/156504/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Z. MEHRMOUSAVI, R. GHOBADIAN, and M. JAVAN, “Effect of reservoir shape factor on dam-break waves by using of Leap-Frog and Lax methods in curvilinear coordinates,” JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES), vol. 26, no. 1 , pp. 131–150, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/156504/en

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