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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Study of Cross-Flow around Groins by different permeability in the simulated flow filed in Channel with the live Bed




 Background and Objectives: Many built structures in rivers have been destroyed or damaged due to lack of proper understanding of Scouring. Therefore, it is important to know the maximum amount of Scouring around the structures constructed in the rivers. Groins are widely designed and constructed in order to river organization in the country. This method, which is considered as one of the most effective methods for the stabilization of riverbanks, developing and expanding day by day. In this research, bed deformation around Permeable and close groins with different percentage of permeability was numerically simulated by using some of turbulence closure models. In this regard, Numerical simulation results were compared with experimental results (Nasrolahi 1380). Then, by using the best model of turbulence and calculating the transverse flow criteriaes created by the presence of a groin, the effect of the permeability of groine on the transverse flow power are calculated. Thereafter, the effect of the groine opening percentage on the cross-flow power and the distance from the downstream that the transverse flow continues continues has been investigated. Materials and Methods: In other to compare the obtained results from Numerical simulation with laboratory results, laboratory results around closed and permeable groins with 30, 50 and 70 percent of permeability in a flume were used. For numerical modeling, Flow-3D software was used. In order to study the performance of the permeability on the transverse flow, valid criteria that indicate the transverse flow power are calculated and compared. Results: The comparison of results of Numerical simulation and experimental results shows that numerical model is effective in predicting Scour pattern and bed topography around permeable groins with different openings and closed groins. Investigating the power of vortices created around permeable groins by computing and comparing some of the criteria for expressing the power of transverse flows indicates how changes and continuity of the transverse flow power before and after the groins, are compared to the rate of permeability of groin. The results for calculated cross-flow criteria indicate that the deviation of the flow by a groin can be almost ignored with a permeability more than fifty percent and for impermeable groin, transverse currents longitudinally extending more than 1. 4 times the length of the groin. The calculation of cross-flow power criteria using artificial neural network (ANN) also indicates the ability of this method to calculate transverse flow power. Conclusion: The power of the transverse flow in the upstream and downstream of the groin is related to the percentage of opening of the groin. Therefore, if one of the purposes for the construction of a groin is longitudinal velocity deviation, the increase of more than 50% permeability of the groin will reduce this role very much. Also, the results of the neural network in the calculation of transverse flow power criteria were found that the artificial neural network (ANN) could provide acceptable results for these criteria in different transverse sections.


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    APA: Copy

    Heidary, Z., & FAZLI, M.. (2019). The Study of Cross-Flow around Groins by different permeability in the simulated flow filed in Channel with the live Bed. JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES), 26(3 ), 71-89. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/156526/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Heidary Z., FAZLI M.. The Study of Cross-Flow around Groins by different permeability in the simulated flow filed in Channel with the live Bed. JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES)[Internet]. 2019;26(3 ):71-89. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/156526/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Z. Heidary, and M. FAZLI, “The Study of Cross-Flow around Groins by different permeability in the simulated flow filed in Channel with the live Bed,” JOURNAL OF WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES), vol. 26, no. 3 , pp. 71–89, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/156526/en

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