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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigation of the trophic state of Anzali international wetland, using TSI




 Determining of the wetland trophic condition is the first step at the qualitative assessment. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus that come with pollutants are one of the major problems affecting on Water resources quality. These materials, mainly the results of human activities, are entered to water through the wastewater of agriculture and industry. Eutrophication is one of the effects of increasing nutrients in the aquatic ecosystems that it is most serious environmental threat. Trophic state index (TSI) is a useful tool to ease the expression of water quality and determination of the trophy position, which is presented by Carlsson. Due to importance of Anzali wetland in the region ecosystem, in the present study different models of Carlson index were used to investigate the status of the wetlands Trophy in 2014. For this purpose, 10 stations (brag of Bandar Anzali, Sorkhankal, PirBazar, Siadarvishan, Nokhaleh, Hendkhaleh, East wetlands, output of East wetlands, Abkenar and Mahruzeh) were selected to measure parameters. The data analysis was performed using SPSS 18 software. Normalization and homogeneity of data variances were investigated using Kolmogorov – Smirnov and Leven tests. In order to evaluate differences between sampling stations and stages, one-way ANOVA analysis and Duncan test were performed. Any change in phosphorus concentration of fresh water ecosystems can alter its trophic status (Carvalho and Kirika, 2003). Kleeberg and Dude (1977) also have pointed to the direct role of phosphorus in the Eutrophication process. According to 54 percent portion of forest and grassland of the watershed wetlands, the most important external source of Anzali wetland enrichment is forest floor litter and humus that inter into the wetland by raining flows (Darvishsefat et al. 1999). In addition, domestic sewage and adjacent residential areas, food and animal wastewater that inter into rivers without purification have an important role in intensifying of Eutrophication process in the Anzali wetland. Moreover, vastness of the wetland areas, diversity of human activities in the basin and consequently entrance of organic and inorganic maters in to the wetland are the main causes of intensifying Eutrophication (Sakizadeh, 2003). In this case, the important sources of nutrients material are including: agricultural fertilizer and domestic sewage. Eutrophication condition extends in wetland due to high consumption of dissolved oxygen by animals in the water, at night. So, the amount of dissolved oxygen reduces significantly in the hours of darkness. Kimball (1974) studied the first wetland condition in regard to plant growth in Anzali. Mirzajani et al. (2010) showed trophic status of wetland in the years 1992 to 2002. Based on Darvishsefat et al. (1999) research for the years 1991 to1995 in terms of chlorophyll a, Anzali Wetland appears at the end of mesotroph and transferring to trophic status and according to total phosphate is in trophic and goes toward hypertrophy(Darvishsefatet al. 1999). Nezami (1995) assessed Anzali wetland in trophic status, in case of bacterio-plankton. Solis and Lenard (2009) research on the trophy of three lakes (Piaseczno, Rogó ź no and Krasnein Poland) showed changes in Carlson value due to increased amounts of nitrogen and phosphate. A similar study (Ejankowski and Lenard, 2014) on the lake Czarne and Gł ę bokie observed increasing amount of TSI. The results of variance analysis in Anzali indicated a significant difference (P <0. 05) in the values of the indicators listed in the stations, in different seasons. Assessment of trophy Index (TSI) based on total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN), showed wetland condition in hypertrophy to severe hypertroph for most stations, in 2014. Based on the phosphate concentration, the maximum and lowest values of index estimated in Pir Bazar and Abkenar in autumn, respectively. According to nitrogen concentration, the maximum value of index was measured in the output wetland in summer and the lowest value was in Sorkhankal in winter. Generally, the trophy has been progress in recent years towards severe hypertrophy. Consequently based on the results of this study, Anzali wetland received large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in recent years which lead to the gradual formation and development of extreme Eutrophication phenomena in the wetlands. nutrients concentration changes and TSI index reflect the exponentially trends of this phenomenon, so that the wetland trophy condition has pushed from trophic level to severe hypertrophy. It is obvious that in these conditions the destruction of wetlands symptoms, including loss of biodiversity and the loss of sensitive species, appear gradually. Therefore, to preserve wetland and protect valuable species, taking appropriate management approaches is suggested. In this regard, comprehensive environmental assessing, controlling of anthropogenic pollutants, reducing the organic load of effluents (industrial, urban and agricultural) are recommended, as well as water quality monitoring during the year.


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    APA: Copy

    FALLAH, M., Pirali Zefrehei, a.r., & EBRAHIMI DORCHE, E.. (2018). Investigation of the trophic state of Anzali international wetland, using TSI. IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL, 12(1 (28) ), 21-29. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/159823/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    FALLAH M., Pirali Zefrehei a.r., EBRAHIMI DORCHE E.. Investigation of the trophic state of Anzali international wetland, using TSI. IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL[Internet]. 2018;12(1 (28) ):21-29. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/159823/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M. FALLAH, a.r. Pirali Zefrehei, and E. EBRAHIMI DORCHE, “Investigation of the trophic state of Anzali international wetland, using TSI,” IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL, vol. 12, no. 1 (28) , pp. 21–29, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/159823/en

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