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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Hydraulic and morphological study of river mining impacts on bed degradation and bank erosion of channel (case study: the Khorramabad River)




 Sand and gravel mining from the riverbed causes many environmental and social problems in the rivers because of disturbing the natural conditions of the bed and also, its changes. Some of these problems are subsidence of riverbeds and erosion of hydraulic structures its path, Bank erosion and damage to land placed in riverbank, the destruction of dewatering openings, drainage of agricultural land placed in riverbank and also, the change of plant and animal environment. In studying the morphological changes of the rivers’ cross-sections, it is often assumed that the riverbanks are non-erodible or the erosion of river banks is less than the erosion of bed, so, river width is considered constant. A closer study of the changes in river alluvial, particularly, with the erodible banks shows that the river width will be faced with significant changes because of material mining. In this study, it has been tried to study the changes in the bed, Bank erosion of the river and its causes and also to identify the vulnerable intervals by simulating hydraulic conditions of sediment flow in the Khorramabad River with the use of model FLUVIAL-12. The Khorramabad River is located in 36. 48 to 45. 47 East latitudes and 10. 33 to 50. 33 North longitudes and of the important branches of the Kashkan River. The case study includes an interval of the Khorramabad River with the length of about 7 kilometers before the inset of the Kakasharaf River. In this interval, the Khorramabad is a mature river in the plains with the average slope about 1. 6%, and a flow with u-shaped cross-section. In the mentioned interval, there a map with the scale of 1: 1000 that includes about 9 kilometers of the river and the hydraulic studies were performed on this interval. In the current study, 1372 cross-sections surveyed in 2003 were used. According to the changes in the sections along the way due to the construction of the bridge, the protection wall of the bank, river materials mining and encroachment the bed of the Moradabad River, firstly the required sections were extracted from the topographic map in the GIS environment using HECGeo-RAS interface. Then, these sections were modified in model HEC-RAS and inappropriate sections were removed. With this approach, totally, 51 cross-sections were entered in model HEC-RAS to introduce the geometry of the river in the studied interval. For hydraulic modelling of the sediments of the Khorramabad River in the studied interval, the model FLUVIAL-12 was used. This model was provided in 1972 by Cheng. A mathematical one-dimension model has been used to rout the flow and sediment in the natural and built waterways, but it cannot model the unsteady flow. In model FLUVIAL-12, digital techniques and physical relations are used to analyze the momentum, flow resistance and sediment transport. The main parameters required for calibration of the model, are roughness coefficient, sediment transport equation, coastal erosion factor, bed erosion factor and the factors such as these. Model FLUVIAL-12 has been tested with data from many different rivers in the world that most of the data was used to test and calibrate other models. Roughness coefficient of the Khorramabad River in the suited area was estimated by field survey, engineering judgment and completing the checklist of SCS method. To calculate the manning roughness coefficient, which is used in hydraulic model HEC-RAS, the values of vegetation, artificial irregularity and additional roughness of barriers created in the river by the people were considered in the calculation of river roughness coefficient. To calculate and estimate the manning roughness coefficient in floodplains and main section, US Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and also, field survey were used. The sediment transport was simulated by using the functions of the model, the Graph’ s (1970) sediment transport equation, Yang’ s (1972-1986) flow power unit, the equation of Engelund & Hansen (1976), the equation of Parker et al. (1982) for sand, the sediment equation of Akers and White, the equation of Meyer-peter & Muller for bed load (Shafaei Bejestan, 2005). Result revealed in the v-shaped sections and the channels with small sections, the Bank erosion is developed after armoring the bed materials. Also, In the U-shaped sections and the channels with larger sections, the bed erosion is reduced and the development of Bank erosion is inconsiderable after armoring the bed materials. Furthermore, in the sections that the shape and slope make the stable section, no significant difference will be observed in terms of erosion and sedimentation after armoring the bed materials. As it is mentioned before, importance of studying and discussing the River mining becomes clear. Each river has the sediment transport capacity depending on its discharge. There is a reverse relationship between the transport capacity and the size of the constituent grains, so that the coarse grains have the less transport capacity than the smaller grains. Therefore, determining the river transport capacity, the proper points to mine the materials according to the deposition intervals and the appropriate volumes of material mining according to the bed load requires the comprehensive studies on the potential of material mining in different parts of the country. Also due to illegal River mining activities in recent years, study on improving the rivers based on the modelling the current situation and providing the protection plans is essential.


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    APA: Copy

    HAGHIABI, A.H., JAVADI, B., & HOSSEINIAN, E.. (2020). Hydraulic and morphological study of river mining impacts on bed degradation and bank erosion of channel (case study: the Khorramabad River). IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL, 13(4 (35) ), 1-10. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/159877/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HAGHIABI A.H., JAVADI B., HOSSEINIAN E.. Hydraulic and morphological study of river mining impacts on bed degradation and bank erosion of channel (case study: the Khorramabad River). IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL[Internet]. 2020;13(4 (35) ):1-10. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/159877/en

    IEEE: Copy

    A.H. HAGHIABI, B. JAVADI, and E. HOSSEINIAN, “Hydraulic and morphological study of river mining impacts on bed degradation and bank erosion of channel (case study: the Khorramabad River),” IRANIAN WATER RESEARCH JOURNAL, vol. 13, no. 4 (35) , pp. 1–10, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/159877/en

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