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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Investigating the Effect of the Physical Patterns of the Establishment Systems on the Comunity Spaces in Hawraman Architecture




 The present paper is a field and library research achievement and attempts to analyze the role of patterns of spatial deployment in the human-made environment on the social nature of the physical environments of everyday life and the passion for acting in the spaces. Establishing a proper level of collective interaction in the living environment, as one of the factors affecting the quality of life, is influenced by the characteristics of the Human Environment. Social Interaction and the observation of diverse people's activities, by creating Socialization help to develop individual and social development. Today, however, because of the arrival of manifestations of modernity to many human settlements and the absence of a pattern for modernization and improvement, we see several effects such as physical changes in open spaces, the destruction of the local tissues and, consequently, the reduction of Social Interactions. Lack of social communication, in addition to individual destructive effects, can lead to social problems such as lowering the sense of vitality, increasing crime, reducing social trust, reducing social capital, and so on. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to identify and formulate the physical patterns of the system of deployment and how they affect the space community in the architectural structures of Hawraman Takht, because their use in upcoming programs of renovation and improvement can have a positive impact on the level of Social Interactions., The present article attempts to understand the above-mentioned relationship and raises the following basic questions: 1. Which physical patterns of the Settlement System are identified in the architecture of the Hawraman? 2. How do each of these features of the deployment system affect the components of Socialization and the level of Social Interaction in the Hawraman? The present study was conducted using the descriptive-analytical method based on documentary studies as well as field observations. It is a case study because it involves methods whose purpose is to describe the conditions or phenomena under investigation and is analytical because the method A case study examines the extent to which the social component is influenced by the physical patterns of the present situation. In the first step, theoretical foundations and components affecting the space community are extracted through library studies and based on valid internal and external resources. In the second section, using the field scanning in the architectural structures of the five human settlements in Hawraman Takht, three general patterns of deployment, under the heading: a) general patterns of tissue deployment, b) access development patterns, and c) ecological deployment patterns, Identified and compiled. In the final step, through analysis and logical reasoning, the effects of the patterns of the establishment of the system on the components of Socialization and the level of Social Interactions were assessed and evaluated. The final section of this paper shows how the establishment of the Human Environment has a significant effect on the social structure of the physical spaces, and the patterns of this system can sometimes, alone and sometimes in combination, be in the quantity and quality of the social environment of the public spaces in Hawraman be effective. In other words, the results of this research indicate that the patterns of the deployment system in the architecture of the Hawraman Takht are identifiable and evaluated in four categories of general structure, deployment, accessibility deployment patterns, ecological deployment patterns; and the findings of the evaluation. Each of the three categories of deployment affects the degree of sociality of space and Social Interactions.


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    APA: Copy

    HAMEJANI, YOUSEF, BAYZIDI, QADER, & SAHABI, JALIL. (2019). Investigating the Effect of the Physical Patterns of the Establishment Systems on the Comunity Spaces in Hawraman Architecture. HOUSING AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT, 37(164 ), 55-68. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/185991/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HAMEJANI YOUSEF, BAYZIDI QADER, SAHABI JALIL. Investigating the Effect of the Physical Patterns of the Establishment Systems on the Comunity Spaces in Hawraman Architecture. HOUSING AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT[Internet]. 2019;37(164 ):55-68. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/185991/en

    IEEE: Copy

    YOUSEF HAMEJANI, QADER BAYZIDI, and JALIL SAHABI, “Investigating the Effect of the Physical Patterns of the Establishment Systems on the Comunity Spaces in Hawraman Architecture,” HOUSING AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 37, no. 164 , pp. 55–68, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/185991/en

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