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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Matching the Illuminations of three Versions of Quran Qajar Period with an Emphasis on their Visual Features




 The Quran’ s illumination forms are important parts of the Iranian illumination art. This research considers the recognition of the visual features of Quranic illumination in Qajar period. The motif, color and combination of the important factors of Quranic illumination are used to classify the illumination. These factors have been selected of the Qajar period in three versions of the illumination in the Qur’ an of the Qajar School is being studied and matched. These Quranic manuscripts are kept and encoded with (4), (41), (47) in the Malek National Library and Museum. The Calligrapher and the illuminator of (47) are Ashraf-al-Kottabe Isfahani and Fatah-Allahe Naghash, respectively. On the other hand, Calligraphers of (41) and (4) are Hussein Arsanjani and Alireza Partvoo Isfahani. The main aim of this research is to achieve the visual elements that are seen in the perfectionist style of Qajar Quranic illuminating art. The main question of this research is “ what are the visual features of the Quran Qajar period, and how are these characteristics analyzed and explained? ” The research method is descriptive-analytic. And the method of collecting information is field research and library one. The findings of this research indicate the difference in the type and reduction of the diversity in Eslimi and Khataei motifs; the luxury and expansiveness of the illumination in the primary and sometimes end pages of the Quranic verses of this period. The addition of elaborate and elegant crown-like symbols, and the plurality of narrow margins in the composition and application of brilliant, pure colors, especially the golden color, in the extensive range, is one of the important features of the Quranic illuminations.


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    APA: Copy

    Sedighi Isfahani, Zahra, Najjarpoor Jabbari, Samad, & KHAJEH AHMAD ATTARI, ALIREZA. (2018). Matching the Illuminations of three Versions of Quran Qajar Period with an Emphasis on their Visual Features. MOTALEATE TATBIGHI HONAR, 7(14 ), 83-99. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/205424/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Sedighi Isfahani Zahra, Najjarpoor Jabbari Samad, KHAJEH AHMAD ATTARI ALIREZA. Matching the Illuminations of three Versions of Quran Qajar Period with an Emphasis on their Visual Features. MOTALEATE TATBIGHI HONAR[Internet]. 2018;7(14 ):83-99. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/205424/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Zahra Sedighi Isfahani, Samad Najjarpoor Jabbari, and ALIREZA KHAJEH AHMAD ATTARI, “Matching the Illuminations of three Versions of Quran Qajar Period with an Emphasis on their Visual Features,” MOTALEATE TATBIGHI HONAR, vol. 7, no. 14 , pp. 83–99, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/205424/en

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