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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Chemical composition and digestibility of Prosopis juliflora pods and leaves and effect of pods in ration on the performance of fattening Tali kids




 Background and objectives: Mesquite or Kahoor (Prosopis juliflora swartz) is a perennial, fast-growing, ever-green and salinity and drought resistant that planted in the wide parts of south, Iran for immobilizing of sand dunes, desertification and restoring grasslands. Also, their fruit (pods) and browses can be used for animal feed. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and digestibility of Prosopis juliflora pods (PJP) and leaves (PJL) and use of PJP in diet on the Performance of Fattening Tali kids. Materials and methods: In this experiment, pods and leaves samples were collected randomly two continuous years and their chemical composition determined by standard method. For determining of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein digestibility of pods and leaves, eight male goats were used in individually cages. Feed intake and feces rate of goats were recorded every day. Also, eighteen Tali male Kids with 5-6 month age and body weight average of 13. 20 ± 1. 5 kg used for determining of pods intake rate on the Performance. Experimental diets were diet 1: basal diet + control concentrate (without PJP) and diet 2: basal diet + concentrate include 28. 5% PJP and goats fed for 100 days with 16 days adaptation period. On the basis transmittal of this species in Hormozgan province, dried PJP collected thousand kg from three areas (Bandar Abbas, Minab and Jask) in continuous two years. The diets were offered into two equal halves daily at 08: 00 am and 16: 00 pm hours for kids and the kids were weighted individually every two weeks after 16 h feed deprivation and calculated their weight changes. Daily gain average, dry mater intake and feed conversion rate determined in experimental period. Chemical composition and digestibility and Performance include feed intake, body weight changes and feed conversion data were analyzed using with using T-test and SAS 9. 1 (2001) software and GLM procedures related to two diets and done comparison of averages by LSD test. Results: The result of this experiment showed that the chemical composition mean of PJP and PJL samples were contained 88. 4%, 42. 31% dry matter, 92. 61%, 90. 52% organic matter, 13. 82%, 20. 3% crude protein, 5. 42%, 9. 48% ash, 40. 3%, 54. 22% neutral detergent fiber, 26. 98%, 31. 84% acid detergent fiber, 1. 04%, 2. 26% calcium, 0. 21%, 0. 27% phosphors (on DM basis), respectively. The digestibility average of pods and leaves for dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber is 60. 99% and 55. 74%, 62. 16% and 57. 69%, 56. 25% and 59. 78% and 47. 45% and 43. 05%, respectively. Also, the daily gain average, feed intake and feed conversion rate were 87. 28 g, 783. 3 g, 8. 6 and 90. 55 g, 823. 3 g, 8. 3, respectively for received kids control and PJP diet, which were not statistically different (P>0. 05). Total cost of feed and also, meat production cost was cheaper than control group. Conclusion: Prosopis juliflora pods and leaves have high Nutritive value, dry matter digestibility and crude protein contain and PJP can be used in Fattening kid’ s diets as a suitable to 28. 5% DM ratio to concentrate without side effect on feed intake and Performance. Considering the expansion of this tree in the south of the Iran and the annual production of a considerable amount of browse and pods with high Nutritive value can use in Fattening kid’ s diets and reduce feed cost up to thirty percent.


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    APA: Copy

    ASKARI, F., YOUSEF ELAHI, M., & FAZAELI, H.. (2019). Chemical composition and digestibility of Prosopis juliflora pods and leaves and effect of pods in ration on the performance of fattening Tali kids. JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH, 7(2 ), 1-16. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/244075/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ASKARI F., YOUSEF ELAHI M., FAZAELI H.. Chemical composition and digestibility of Prosopis juliflora pods and leaves and effect of pods in ration on the performance of fattening Tali kids. JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH[Internet]. 2019;7(2 ):1-16. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/244075/en

    IEEE: Copy

    F. ASKARI, M. YOUSEF ELAHI, and H. FAZAELI, “Chemical composition and digestibility of Prosopis juliflora pods and leaves and effect of pods in ration on the performance of fattening Tali kids,” JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH, vol. 7, no. 2 , pp. 1–16, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/244075/en

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