Information Journal Paper
CopyROOZBAHANI, M., SHEIKH DAVOODI, M.J., & ASAKEREH, A.. (2019). Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Wheat Cultivation in West of Ahwaz County, Using Integration AHP Method and GIS. AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH), 19(71 ), 81-98. SID.
CopyROOZBAHANI M., SHEIKH DAVOODI M.J., ASAKEREH A.. Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Wheat Cultivation in West of Ahwaz County, Using Integration AHP Method and GIS. AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH)[Internet]. 2019;19(71 ):81-98. Available from:
CopyM. ROOZBAHANI, M.J. SHEIKH DAVOODI, and A. ASAKEREH, “Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Wheat Cultivation in West of Ahwaz County, Using Integration AHP Method and GIS,” AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH (JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH), vol. 19, no. 71 , pp. 81–98, 2019, [Online]. Available: