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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The effect of different concentration of humic acid foliar application in development stages on morphological characteristics and yield of Triticale




 Background and objectives: Nowadays, triticale is considered as a high potential commercial crop in order to feed human and livestock. Regarding the fact that triticale is tolerant to inappropriate environmental conditions, it is an acceptable alternative for common wheat cultivation in inappropriate and low-fertile environments. Application of chemical fertilizers in cereal cultivation can lead to destruction of agro-ecosystems and cause environmental pollution. One of approach to solve this problem is use of sustainable agriculture principles in agroecosystems. One of these strategies is application of organic fertilizers such as humicacid. One of the important factors in the effectiveness of fertilizer is the application of concentration and time of consumption. Therefore, determination of the most suitable concentration and time of application of Humic Acid leaves in triticale is important. This experiment was conducted with the aim of determining the best concentration and time of foliar application of humic acids in order to increase the quantitative and qualitative yield of triticale in Khuzestan. Materials and methods: The experiment was conducted at Research field of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources University of khuzestan during 2017-2018. Experimental design was a split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments included time of spraying at four levels as main plot (tillering, Stemelongation, flag leaf, pollination) and concentration at four levels as sub plots (0, 200, 400 and 600 mg. lit-1). Traits included morphological characteristics, Grain yield, yield components and qualitative characteristics were assessed in this experiment. Results: Results showed that the effect of spraying timewere significant on plant height, number of grain per spike and biological yield. The highest plant height (124. 3 cm) was obtained from application of humic acid in stem elongation development stage and the highest biological yield (17438. 33 kg. ha-1) wasgained from spraying of humic acid at flag leaf stage. Also, the interaction of time and concentrationwere significant on peduncle length, spike length, Grain yield and harvest index. Highest Grain yield (6796 kg. ha-1) was obtained from200 mg. lit-1 of Humic Acid application in flag leaf stage. Conclusion: According to the results of this experiment, foliar application of 200 mg. lit-1 humic acid in the flag leaf stage is recommended to gain maximum Grain yield in triticale cultivation. Materials and methods: the experiment was conducted at Research field of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources University of khuzestan during 2017-2018. Experimental design was a split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments included time of spraying at four levels as main plot (tillering, Stem elongation, flag leaf, pollination) and concentration at four levels as sub plots (0, 200, 400 and 600 mg. lit-1). Traits included morphological characteristics, Grain yield, yield components and qualitative characteristics were assessed in this experiment. Results: Results showed that the effect of spraying time were significant on plant height, number of grain per spike and biological yield. The highest plant height (124/3 cm) was obtained from application of humic acid in stem elongation development stage and the highest biological yield (17438. 33 kg. ha-1) was gained from spraying of humic acid at flag leaf stage. Also, the interaction of time and concentration were significant on peduncle length, spike length, Grain yield and harvest index. Highest Grain yield (6796 kg. ha-1) was obtained from 200 mg. lit-1 of Humic Acid application in flag leaf stage. Conclusion: Eventually, the findings of this study showed that application of Organic fertilizer such as humic acid in triticale cultivation not only improve Grain yield and crop quality but also reduces consumption of chemical fertilizers in agroecosystems. According to the results of this experiment, the use of 200 mg. lit-1 of humic acid in the flag leaf stage in triticale crops is recommended.


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    APA: Copy

    Parvin, Laleh, Gharineh, Mohammad Hossein, KHODAEI JOGHAN, AYDIN, & moshatati, Ali. (2020). The effect of different concentration of humic acid foliar application in development stages on morphological characteristics and yield of Triticale. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF CROP PRODUCTION, 12(4 ), 77-92. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/363006/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Parvin Laleh, Gharineh Mohammad Hossein, KHODAEI JOGHAN AYDIN, moshatati Ali. The effect of different concentration of humic acid foliar application in development stages on morphological characteristics and yield of Triticale. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF CROP PRODUCTION[Internet]. 2020;12(4 ):77-92. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/363006/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Laleh Parvin, Mohammad Hossein Gharineh, AYDIN KHODAEI JOGHAN, and Ali moshatati, “The effect of different concentration of humic acid foliar application in development stages on morphological characteristics and yield of Triticale,” ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF CROP PRODUCTION, vol. 12, no. 4 , pp. 77–92, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/363006/en

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