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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Elaborating Landscape Representation Approach Based on Aural Perception Description of a Pedagogic Experience in Landscape Representation Course




 Alphabet of interactive learning between tutors and learners in architecture and landscape architecture academic education is borrowed from visual language. A fundamental tool of this language is Drawing that make the transition of concepts in the design studio possible. When representation bridge between mutual expectations of educators and learners, it performs exactly correctly with consideration of technical matters and reflecting on the inner emotions and creativity of learners. Representation is an emotional, metaphoric and transformative aspect of Drawing. Design educators must deepen the creative entity of representation to help the learners in constructing personal conceptualization in the process of designing. In landscape architecture discipline, the language of visual presentation has two tasks at least; demonstration of visual and apparent displays of environment as well as representing thought and impressions of the landscape designer. Demonstrating the ephemeral aspects of the environment, as it is, through Drawing is an important skill that must be obtained by novices. Description of natural beauties, representation of dynamic, ongoing and inconstant instinct of nature and delineation of biophysical and cultural features of the site, must be especially regarded in the landscape design studio as the first experience of students in the handling of large scale landscape projects. Also, representation has another task, which is to represent the instantaneous nature of transient qualities and kinesthesis experience in the perceptual realm. Paying attention to other senses (esp. listening, touching, etc. ) in addition to a sense of sight for expanding the content of landscape representation is a critical attitude, which could be regarded as an idea generator in representation. Here arises a question that instead of excessive emphasis on visual perception as a generator for landscape representation, how to suppose creative imagery clues to some extent based on other kinesthesis experiences such as aural perception? How critical listening capability can lead to an educational strategy for enhancing the language of representation in landscape design? Promoting novices’ skills in landscape design representation in studios in Iran relying on increasing the capability of aural perception is the goal of this research that is performed by grounded theory and data analysis methodology. At first, students’ perceived auditory experience was recorded in the test and control groups and then using field and intensive semi-structural interviews with them, their feedback on short time Drawings was received. Also, the level of abstraction of the students’ Drawings was investigated by Delphi method with a survey from three experts in landscape architecture. The results demonstrate obvious differences between the responses and Drawings of two groups, and the test group was more capable of verbal description and visual, abstract, primitive representation of physical modes of sound because they were purposefully directed toward critical auditory perception. The result of the analysis indicates the success of this research in promoting the conceptual level of representation due to relying of the students on aural perception and developing the language of presentation of the landscape. In this way, aural perception can be used as a useful strategy for enriching the content of landscape representation.


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    APA: Copy

    SEMIARI, AMIR, Esmaielzade Seilabi, Aida, & Pasban Hazrat, Bijan. (2020). Elaborating Landscape Representation Approach Based on Aural Perception Description of a Pedagogic Experience in Landscape Representation Course. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING, 13(28 ), 115-133. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/365494/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SEMIARI AMIR, Esmaielzade Seilabi Aida, Pasban Hazrat Bijan. Elaborating Landscape Representation Approach Based on Aural Perception Description of a Pedagogic Experience in Landscape Representation Course. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING[Internet]. 2020;13(28 ):115-133. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/365494/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AMIR SEMIARI, Aida Esmaielzade Seilabi, and Bijan Pasban Hazrat, “Elaborating Landscape Representation Approach Based on Aural Perception Description of a Pedagogic Experience in Landscape Representation Course,” JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING, vol. 13, no. 28 , pp. 115–133, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/365494/en

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