Information Journal Paper
CopyGHORBANIAN, MAHSHID, BEHZADFAR, MOSTAFA, & Shariatpour, Farshad. (2020). Analyzing Techniques of Urban Faç ade Using Developing Topic-based Analysis Approach of Cityscape According to the Factors Affecting it from an Urban Design Perspective. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING, 12(27 ), 99-125. SID.
CopyGHORBANIAN MAHSHID, BEHZADFAR MOSTAFA, Shariatpour Farshad. Analyzing Techniques of Urban Faç ade Using Developing Topic-based Analysis Approach of Cityscape According to the Factors Affecting it from an Urban Design Perspective. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING[Internet]. 2020;12(27 ):99-125. Available from:
CopyMAHSHID GHORBANIAN, MOSTAFA BEHZADFAR, and Farshad Shariatpour, “Analyzing Techniques of Urban Faç ade Using Developing Topic-based Analysis Approach of Cityscape According to the Factors Affecting it from an Urban Design Perspective,” JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING, vol. 12, no. 27 , pp. 99–125, 2020, [Online]. Available: