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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Empowerment Analysis of Rural Women in Handicrafts (Studied Case of Eshgh Abad Neyshabur District)




 The importance of the role of rural women in human resources is important, not only in domestic activities, but also in production activities outside the home. according to women are engaged in activities both at home and abroad, and their share in economic and social activities needs to be determined more accurately and extensively. In this article, Has been used Grounded theory method and Participatory Rural Appraisal, Rapid Rural Assessment, Semi-structured interviews, observation and walking in the field and group discussion techniques, and has used snowball techniques for Selection of statistical samples up to theoretical saturation stage (In the twenty fifth person) in the data, and after analyzing the collected data in the field Through coding (open, axial, and selective), by choosing a central category of "Empowering rural women" a theory has been extracted based on collected data from the field. Then, according to data analysis based on the principles of the dominant theory of theory, the theory of "Empowering rural women as a factor for Local development" was obtained from the data. Then a suggestion was made to get out of this situation. This article reviews the factors affecting rural women empowerment in Eshgabad Neyshabur District, specifically the Rural handicrafts of these women in relation to Local development. The results show that the participation of villagers, especially rural women, in development programs is essential to achieving the goals of comprehensive development. Therefore, it is possible to provide a theory that includes all the elements of a complete research and provide strategic suggestions for "empowering rural women as a factor for Local development. " Research objectives: Investigating the problems and factors affecting the Empowerment of rural women in Ashgabat village of Neishabour city. Investigation of artifacts of rural women's handicrafts in Ashgabat village in connection with Local development Research questions: What factors affect the Empowerment of rural women in Ashgabat village of Neishabour city? How are the products of women's Rural handicrafts in Ashgabat rural district related to Local development in this region?


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    Arabghani, Asadallah, Sayyedmirzaee, Sayyedmohammad, & KALDI, ALIREZA. (2020). Empowerment Analysis of Rural Women in Handicrafts (Studied Case of Eshgh Abad Neyshabur District). ISLAMIC ART, 16(36 ), 369-393. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/373165/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Arabghani Asadallah, Sayyedmirzaee Sayyedmohammad, KALDI ALIREZA. Empowerment Analysis of Rural Women in Handicrafts (Studied Case of Eshgh Abad Neyshabur District). ISLAMIC ART[Internet]. 2020;16(36 ):369-393. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/373165/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Asadallah Arabghani, Sayyedmohammad Sayyedmirzaee, and ALIREZA KALDI, “Empowerment Analysis of Rural Women in Handicrafts (Studied Case of Eshgh Abad Neyshabur District),” ISLAMIC ART, vol. 16, no. 36 , pp. 369–393, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/373165/en

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