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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Redefining the Concept of “ Value” in Housing Planning from an Islamic Perspective (Case Study: Tabriz)




 In the non-European world, especially in the Middle East and Iran, the process of formation of new social sciences was such that no serious foundations had already been formed for it. That is, the transfer of science to it, and especially in the realm of the Persian language, has been without regard to the necessary principles. The development and planning of Housing and its guiding science and knowledge are no exception to this rule and have sometimes been used without localization and following the Values of the Islamic society and its specific culture. However, urban Housing planners have always been looking for a suitable and desirable model of urban Housing, and have found that this model is nothing outside the Value concepts of the consumer and the supplier of Housing, and always seek to identify these Values that are interactively reflected in the preferences of the consumer and the producer in the purchase and sale of a Housing unit. "Values" are actually considered to be rooted beliefs and opinions according to which society behaves about what is known as good, bad, superiority, or perfection. At the same time, the concept of "Value" is a construct that every society is conceived in accordance with the essence of the society, so in this case when it is in accordance with the essence of the society, the content of “ Value” guarantees the guidance of society to human transcendent perfection which is desirable. In this regard, the present article carefully examines the concept of “ Value” in urban Housing planning and tries to redefine the concept of “ Value” in Housing planning in Tabriz under the essence of the Islamic society and culture. The epistemology used here is Islamic Realism based on Allameh Tabatabai's E’ tebariat theory with an emphasis on his constructivism theory. In this regard, using the research strategy of post-mining, the conceptual model of Value in Housing in the city of Tabriz is tested in the form of three study samples. To test the samples, the theoretical foundations of the Hedonic method have been considered in the text. Findings show that the most explanatory power of the variable “ Value” of Tabriz urban Housing is related to the category of “ structural-physical” building and after that, the category of “ environment” about access to land uses is important and this has happened while, in none of the studied examples, a complete construct of the concept of Value has emerged. Finally, since “ Value” is a cultural issue, it seems that to realize a comprehensive concept of Value in urban Housing planning, it is necessary to consider the process of localization of Housing development, under Islamic culture and consequently the Values derived from it by urban planners. Also, the redefinition of the concept of “ Value” in Housing planning in Tabriz showed that its planned and developed Housing does not meet the conventional expectations of Values from an Islamic perspective. Therefore, by recognizing the concept of Value in this city and applying these Values in macro and micro strategies of Housing development, a basis for objectifying it will be provided. Thus, it is expected that Islamic culture will be preserved and strengthened in parallel, and in addition to the growth and development of the individual at home (individual benefit), the growth and development of society (collective benefit) will occur and thereby the society will undoubtedly be guided under Islamic teachings and the Values of collective life.


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    APA: Copy

    SEDAGHATI, ATEFEH. (2021). Redefining the Concept of “ Value” in Housing Planning from an Islamic Perspective (Case Study: Tabriz). CULTURE OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM JOURNAL, 5(2 ), 125-143. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/373258/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SEDAGHATI ATEFEH. Redefining the Concept of “ Value” in Housing Planning from an Islamic Perspective (Case Study: Tabriz). CULTURE OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM JOURNAL[Internet]. 2021;5(2 ):125-143. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/373258/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ATEFEH SEDAGHATI, “Redefining the Concept of “ Value” in Housing Planning from an Islamic Perspective (Case Study: Tabriz),” CULTURE OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM JOURNAL, vol. 5, no. 2 , pp. 125–143, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/373258/en

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