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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Explaining the causal process model of flexibility components and strategies




Flexibility makes it possible for people to change their living conditions more optimally during their lifetime according to their changing circumstances and needs. Accordingly, the Flexibility of the past has been the focus of designers. Investigating the principle of Flexibility as one of the factors in increasing the quality of life in people's lives, considering the rich history of Iranian architecture in this field, is an important and noteworthy discussion. This paper seeks to identify the relationship between Components and strategies in order to identify the relationship between the Components of Flexibility versus the strategies of Flexibility. So the answer to the question is, "What is the relationship between the Components of Flexibility and its strategies according to the characteristics of each of them? " Because identifying the relationship between Flexibility Components and Flexibility strategies is a complex process, this research can serve as a basis for basic research to identify the relationship between Flexibility Components versus its strategies. This paper uses the Causal process method to identify the relationship between Components and Flexibility strategies in order to answer the question in a few steps by establishing a causal relationship between the materials being studied and discussed. The Causal process is a kind of logical connection of propositions and concepts, which can ultimately be the result of the connection between propositions and concepts. The basis of any qualitative research is based on the presentation of theory. It is important to take steps to develop knowledge and add to the awareness of people and to create a theory. Three methods are used to create theories: rules 8, based on axioms 9, and Causal process 10. The Causal process is defined as a set of definite or probable causal propositions that describe one or more processes with a causal mechanism that characterize the effect of one or more independent variables on one or more dependent variables. The Causal process is used to create and create different theories in the field of knowledge. In such theories, the theory is first formed and evaluated in a logical system with the help of scientific propositions related to each concept. The Causal process, in general, communicates the answers to research questions in a few steps by communicating between the concepts and keywords of the fields of study. Also, the method of collecting information in this research is based on library and documentary studies. Understanding the concepts, Components, and strategies of Flexibility in architecture is one of the most important parts of the research process. Following this knowledge, it is possible to construct the communicative propositions of the Components and strategies of Flexibility. Logical communication between Components and strategies leads to the construction of causal propositions of communication and the explanation of the relationship between them. In this research, first, the issue of Flexibility and its importance is examined and then this word will be explained from the point of view of experts. In the next step, the concept of Flexibility will be described according to its Components and strategies, and the structural and fundamental principles and characteristics of each of the Components and strategies will be stated. In the last step and after the described steps, the Components and strategies of Flexibility and their relationship expression are evaluated. The results of this study indicate that the Strategy of building systems as well as service spaces is the same Component of flexible segregation and aggregation; Acceptable is the same as the equipping Strategy for using space Flexibility.


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    APA: Copy

    Chegeni, Farhad, DIDEHBAN, MOHAMMAD, & HESSARI, PEDRAM. (2021). Explaining the causal process model of flexibility components and strategies. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT, 4(8 ), 55-68. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/376377/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Chegeni Farhad, DIDEHBAN MOHAMMAD, HESSARI PEDRAM. Explaining the causal process model of flexibility components and strategies. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT[Internet]. 2021;4(8 ):55-68. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/376377/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Farhad Chegeni, MOHAMMAD DIDEHBAN, and PEDRAM HESSARI, “Explaining the causal process model of flexibility components and strategies,” JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT, vol. 4, no. 8 , pp. 55–68, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/376377/en

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