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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Purposes of Education in the Theater Games




 People express themselves through games, and others get to know them by watching them. This can establish a strong link between the player and the audience in a way that as the audience becomes an active trainer, the player gets the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills. The relationship between the trainer and the player in a game resembles the relationship that a teacher has with a student in the class. In a game, however, the trainer and the player are both more active, more intelligent, and more motivated. The output of game classes is relatively higher than that of usual classes, which has caused the leading countries to revise the Education system and has developed phenomena such as nature school in the recent years. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the Theater Games on human’ s Development and Education and to categorize explicit and implicit Purposes of those games, which allow the trainer to design and play such games Purposefully. The present study also aims at searching in the most original and interesting languages in order to reach the most basic Purposes of Education so that the previous shortages and defects in the Education system will not be repeated. Another Purpose of this paper is to answer whether the performing games are clearly and sufficiently in line with the general Purposes of Education in order that they can be used in the country’ s Education system either by themseves or along with other plans. The researcher used 15 general Purposes of 145 73 Education of Frederick Mayer, which includes different individual and social aspects of human, as his model thirteen of which were observed in the performing games. Two Educational Purposes of Mayer, i. e. “ appreciating spiritual and ethical values ” and“ occupational efficiency” were not visible in the performing games, and they were not confirmed. These two Purposes contain other Purposes that are realized through the Theater Games indirectly and after other Purposes. The signs of the13 Purposes confirmed in the current paper can be observed and tracked in different stages of a game ranging from statement of the problem by the trainer and directing the player toward participating, discussing, and looking for the solution to drawing conclusion and summing up. Those Purposes are also evident in the motives of such games ’ developers. The results of this study clarified the rate of various games ’ effectiveness on Education, which allows us to redesign the games according to cultural and social conditions dominating the society. Moreover, the simplicity of playing such games creates an opportunity for the trainers and the people interested in Education field to form classes with Purposes different from those of usual classes in schools, institutes, etc. and Purposefully perform such games under the desired conditions. Therefore, the Purposes of Education in the Theater Games are in line with the Purposes presented by Frederick Mayer, and it is expected that the country’ s Education system performs better than before by Purposefully designing and applying such games.


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    APA: Copy

    Bagheri, Behrad, & RAYANI MAKHSOUS, MEHRDAD. (2018). Purposes of Education in the Theater Games. THEATER, -(73 ), 74-94. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/377580/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Bagheri Behrad, RAYANI MAKHSOUS MEHRDAD. Purposes of Education in the Theater Games. THEATER[Internet]. 2018;-(73 ):74-94. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/377580/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Behrad Bagheri, and MEHRDAD RAYANI MAKHSOUS, “Purposes of Education in the Theater Games,” THEATER, vol. -, no. 73 , pp. 74–94, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/377580/en

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