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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effects of Foliar Application Time of Nano-micronutrients on Quantity and Qualitative Traits in Rainfed durum Wheat Genotypes in Moghan




 Introduction: Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) because of the high Protein content compared to other grain products plays a major role in providing the Protein needed by humans. Different crop varieties have different performance potential even a figure from region to region does not have the same performance. Nano slow and controlled release fertilizers because of root elements in a good area, have high efficiency. In Iran, 300 to 400 tons of durum wheat annually produced which 60% is recoverable for production of pasta and other domestic needs is imported. Per capita consumption of pasta in the country is 5 kg per year (about one quarter of Europe) and with regard to nutrients such as gluten and beta-carotene in pasta and very low losses, it is necessary to increase the amount of its consumption. For this purpose, the government has taken incentive policies such as higher rates order of durum wheat (about 6%) compared to bread wheat and prizes export to exporters of this product, to increase its production and exports. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foliar application time of Nano-chelate Super Plus on yield and its components and Protein content in durum wheat varieties in Parsabad Moghan area was conducted. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as the form of randomly split-plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments include the application of Nano-chelate fertilizer Super Plus (Biozar) with a concentration of two per thousand in four levels, (tilling, flowering, seed and control (no application)) as the main factor and cultivars of durum wheat Lines operating in 18 level as were minor. Studied traits including plant height, number of tillers and fertile tillers, peduncle length, ear length, number of spikelets, number of seeds per plant, grain weight, straw weight, total seed weight per plant, total plant weight, number of days to heading, days to maturity, grain weight, Protein content and seed yield. Each plot area of 2. 7 square meters (6 Lines with a length of 6 m and 20 cm spacing) and a total area of 6 square meters plot was harvested. The company proposed application of Biozar at the dose of 2 per thousand, according to the desired level, calculated and prepared and was Sprayed every step of the treatments in question. At each plot also a sample of 1. 5 kg of grain was sent to the laboratory to determine Protein content of each sample. Finally, the obtained data collected using the SPSS and MSTAT-C statistical analysis soft wares for analysis of variance, and Interaction between treatments and figures and data clustering was performed and the results were presented. Results and Discussion: Results showed that the highest grain yield obtained from Spray at tilling stage in L16 (2948 kg ha-1 ) compared to the control group (771. 70 kg ha-1 ) by 228. 01%. Comparition of the interaction of means showed that the highest grain yield in the Spray at tilling stage L16 (2948 kg ha-1 ) as compared to the control group (771. 70 -1 kg ha ) 282. 01% increase. Results of mean comparisons of the timing of application × figures also showed the highest Protein content in Line L5 and the Spray at tilling stage (12. 23 %) as compared to control 23. 54% increase. The lowest percentage of Protein in the DEHDASHT and Spraying at the seed (9. 10%) respectively compared to control (9. 53%) 4. 73% decreased. So, it seems that the use of Nano-chelate Super plus ZFM (zinc, iron, manganese) which contains micro elements, amino acids as nitrogen source and as a powerful antioxidant ascorbic acid can be very effective to increasing yield and its components and also the Protein content of durum wheat in dry land. Conclusions: Nano-chelated Super Plus foliar application increased grain yield and Yield components of durum wheat. According to the results the most appropriate timing of application of Super Plus for Durum Wheat was at the time of tillering and among the highest Protein content and yield showed in the tillering stage to arrange in Lines L5 (12. 23 %) and L16 (2948 kg) respectively. Repeating this study for few years of research as well as in other areas could also be useful in confirming the results.


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    APA: Copy

    Firoozi, Y., FEIZI, H., MEHRABAN, A., & ALIPANAH, M.. (2018). Effects of Foliar Application Time of Nano-micronutrients on Quantity and Qualitative Traits in Rainfed durum Wheat Genotypes in Moghan. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FIELD CROPS RESEARCH, 16(1 ), 97-112. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/385147/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Firoozi Y., FEIZI H., MEHRABAN A., ALIPANAH M.. Effects of Foliar Application Time of Nano-micronutrients on Quantity and Qualitative Traits in Rainfed durum Wheat Genotypes in Moghan. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FIELD CROPS RESEARCH[Internet]. 2018;16(1 ):97-112. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/385147/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Y. Firoozi, H. FEIZI, A. MEHRABAN, and M. ALIPANAH, “Effects of Foliar Application Time of Nano-micronutrients on Quantity and Qualitative Traits in Rainfed durum Wheat Genotypes in Moghan,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FIELD CROPS RESEARCH, vol. 16, no. 1 , pp. 97–112, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/385147/en

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