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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Conceptual Application of Color in the "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Leily and Majnoon" Literary Collections




Colors have a distinctive visual, semantic and psychological assets that has made them the most imperative tool for creating works of art. Color in literature is considered as one of the seven arts. Dominant speakers and lecturers have used Color as an effective tool in illustrating, imagining, and conveying concepts. Therefore, by examining and analyzing the method and extent of applying the element of Color in the works of poets and writers, it is possible to comprehend the implied approaches and the general structure of such works. Based on this feature, in the following article, the perspective of Color:#ff0078">Nezami and his outlook towards the category of Color and the extent of his use of this element and the comparison and analysis of the Colors: black (component of sadness), white (component of hope), red (component of emotion), yellow (component of happiness), green (component of spirituality) and blue (component of tranquility) have been studied in his two famous poems "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin" and "Leily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon". The method of this research is based on content analysis and the sample size includes all the applied Color-words in the two literary artworks of Nizami Ganjavi; furthermore, the statistical community consists of all poems that contain Color-words. In data analysis, descriptive statistical methods such as distribution and frequency percentage of components, tables, bar graphs and circles have been used. Comparison of Colors as noteworthy components in these works shows that there is a significant relationship between the use of Colors and the content of the two literary collections; the elements of hope, happiness and peace in "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin" are more visible than "Leily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon" and the elements of excitement, spirituality and sorrow in "Leily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon" are more observed compared to "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin". Based on the results, the researchers of the present study consider that Color:#ff0078">Nezami, while having an overview of the theme of his stories, has also been extremely careful in using details and has applied all specifics in the context of a general structure. Research objectives: 1. Investigating the quantity of Colors used in the two poems "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin" and "Leily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon". 2. Comparing the frequency of Color-words as components of hope, sadness, happiness, excitement and spirituality in the two poems "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin" and "Leily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon". Research questions: 1. What is the psychological and semantic burden of different Colors from Color:#ff0078">Nezami’ s point of view? 2. What is the frequency of different Colors in the two collections "Color:#ff0078">Lily and Color:#ff0078">Majnoon" and "Color:#ff0078">Khosrow and Color:#ff0078">Shirin" and what is the relationship between the amount of Colors and the content of the mentioned works?


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    APA: Copy

    Rezanejad, Mohammad Rez, GHANIPOUR MALEKSHAH, AHMAD, MOHSENI, MORTEZA, & Rohani, Maseod. (2020). The Conceptual Application of Color in the "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Leily and Majnoon" Literary Collections. ISLAMIC ART, 16(37 ), 0-0. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/386922/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Rezanejad Mohammad Rez, GHANIPOUR MALEKSHAH AHMAD, MOHSENI MORTEZA, Rohani Maseod. The Conceptual Application of Color in the "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Leily and Majnoon" Literary Collections. ISLAMIC ART[Internet]. 2020;16(37 ):0-0. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/386922/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohammad Rez Rezanejad, AHMAD GHANIPOUR MALEKSHAH, MORTEZA MOHSENI, and Maseod Rohani, “The Conceptual Application of Color in the "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Leily and Majnoon" Literary Collections,” ISLAMIC ART, vol. 16, no. 37 , pp. 0–0, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/386922/en

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