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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Street Renaissance: an explanation of the re-imagining the social life of the central part of Zanjan




 1. Introduction: Addressing urban problematics by pondering urban streets and introducing Street Renaissance as a functional tool in solution of urban problems and social revitalization of public spaces will eventually generate and regenerate human living spaces that lead to different experiences of space objectivity on citizens’ subjectivity 2. Theoretical Framework:-The concept of renaissance and urban renaissance: Renaissance means rebirth and a form of birth in a new life.-The concept of street and Street Renaissance: Street Renaissance is a revolution in the sphere of technocratic and elitist reflection on the city, which fearlessly attacks the distressed, soulless body of the city, and is based on human dignity and a democratic, socio-cultural movement that seeks to cross out the unsightly streets of the city, leading to the renewal of utility on various perceptual, functional, and aesthetic dimensions of urban public spaces, including streets, sidewalks, squares, and sometimes neighborhoods. Urban renaissance is an idea aimed at the success of urban regeneration programs, promotion of sustainable lifestyles, design of physical spaces, and inclusion of all social groups in the city. On the other hand, urban renaissance is an approach to socio-cultural and economic revitalization.-Conceptualization of the indicators: The ideal of Street Renaissance is to present human spaces, generate and regenerate spaces as places for invitation and constant presence of citizens, and generate spaces admired by citizens. Therefore, for specification of the effectiveness of the indicators and components extracted from the contents, indexing is first carried out based on the criteria of environmental response, generation of social spaces, and human orientation of the space.-Renaissance-based strategies: Innovation strategies and human-oriented planning are aimed at improving the biosocial quality and enhancing the daily lives of citizens in open urban areas. Renaissance strategies are based on functional strategies in policy-making, planning, and design of public urban spaces that provide the scope of activity and the path to the desired conditions. These solutions can affect areas such as streets, sidewalks, and squares from economic, social, cultural, and other aspects and provide a policy and perspective on what they should be. They include economy-based strategies, culturally-oriented strategies, and social and aesthetic street strategies. 3. Methodology: The present study involved a dual analysis with both quantitative and qualitative methods; therefore, for specification of the effectiveness of the indicators and components extracted from the contents, indexing was first carried out based on the criteria of environmental response, generation of social spaces, and human orientation of the space.-Questionnaire: A questionnaire with 64 items was made, along with a direct interview with statistical panels of experts (30 people). In this method, the Delphi technique was used with the Likert spectrum in order to confirm the indicators and components and the validity of the questionnaire according to Lavasheh’ s model, where the items are specified by the expert panels as necessary, unnecessary but useful, or unnecessary. 60 of the items were thus specified as necessary.-Direct interview: The qualitative research method involved interviews and the content analysis procedure, composed of a point-to-point examination and fragmentation of the research text, a design of questions with raw data for face-to-face interviews on the research scope, and a classification of the phrases based on semantic units and coding of the detected words. In fact, content analysis was made with the three methods of open, axial, and selective coding to identify the core categories corresponding to the main concepts that made up the basic characteristics of the study, a careful bottom-up examination of the text.-Amos software: The Amos software was used along with structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis to identify the causal relationships between the variables in terms of how to obtain the Street Renaissance of the area. A proper level of fitness was indicated, besides a direct relationship between all the components and their effectiveness on each other, demonstrating that the proposed model of structural equations affected Street Renaissance.-MAXQDA software: A model was presented using the MAXQDA software to demonstrate the relationship between the research indicators in order to account for the effectiveness of Street Renaissance as a practical tool and the implementation of renaissance-based strategies in the generation of human social spaces. 4. Results and Discussion: The quantitative and qualitative analyses demonstrated that the research indicators were of great significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis of insignificance was rejected, and emphasis was placed on promotion of potentials in space. In fact, quantitative and qualitative analysis, along with presentation of renaissance-based solutions, makes up the basis of a solution to the problem of urban open spaces, especially the street, and a reinterpretation of their past social lives. 5. Conclusion: Urban renaissance is a technique from the past century used in urban issues, which aims to innovate in the reflection on the city and the generation of human spaces. It is a model for modification of inefficient parameters and unsuccessful ideas in urban regeneration plans, especially for the street, which can lead to social revitalization of the central part of the city with economic, cultural, physical-structural, and social approaches.


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    APA: Copy

    PIRI, ISA, & HASHEMI, LEILA. (2021). Street Renaissance: an explanation of the re-imagining the social life of the central part of Zanjan. MOTALEATE SHAHRI, 10(38 ), 121-133. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/411047/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    PIRI ISA, HASHEMI LEILA. Street Renaissance: an explanation of the re-imagining the social life of the central part of Zanjan. MOTALEATE SHAHRI[Internet]. 2021;10(38 ):121-133. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/411047/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ISA PIRI, and LEILA HASHEMI, “Street Renaissance: an explanation of the re-imagining the social life of the central part of Zanjan,” MOTALEATE SHAHRI, vol. 10, no. 38 , pp. 121–133, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/411047/en

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