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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 The ruins of PERSEPOLIS is located on the Farvardin Plain, 50 km North-East of Shiraz. The significance of the site as an International World Heritage was distinguished by UNESCO as the first among the five selected historical sites in Iran and registered in 1979. The importance of the site has also been recognized by organizations such as International Councilor Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), The World Conservation Union (IUCN), and International Organization for Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM) who have supported its reclamation and restoration during the past decades.Despite the many studies on the art, architecture, archeology and history of PERSEPOLIS, there is little information on the NATURAL SETTING and the landscape of this valuable complex. There are still doubts about the existence of a WALL AND WATCHTOWERs around this valuable architectural complex. This is whilst discovering the natural landscape and historical boundaries are of the important factors in managing comprehensive environmental conservation.To deal with this problem, this article endeavors to presenta three dimensional model of the PERSEPOLIS landscape of the Achamenian period. A REMOTE SENSING data analysis, photogeology and field survey are used. Remotely sensed air photos and satellite imagery have been shown to be a valuable tool for the characterization of the archeological landscape and locations of collapsed structure.Interpretation of aerial photos in different scales and processing satellite data TM and+ETM-that are new methods of ancient site analysis-constitute the main method of this study. Using this technique and the difference in texture, size, color, shape and vegetation pattern, and the associations of these criteria with the possible place of the WALL AND WATCHTOWER are identified. The result of this study is indicative of a WALL AND WATCHTOWERs surrounding PERSEPOLIS. This could be subsequently confirmed with geophysical surveying and archaeological excavations. The advanced high resolution (both spectral, and spatial), REMOTE SENSING data (ASTER, IKONUS, IRS, etc.) and hyper spectral surveying can assimilate other types of archeological data to process analyzing, and better understanding of the features, their patterns, textures, size, association, and so on and will help to deal with the issues of site characteristics. The result of this study using different age air-photos and ETM+ images are indicative of the following features: - The present PERSEPOLIS site is small sector of vast area where the capital city (the Parse) and satellite villages had been located.- Misleading in buffer zonation and consequence deformations have been caused sever damages and destruction of archeological residues that where likely remnants of original structures.- There are some remnant and residues of guard WALL AND WATCHTOWERs surrounding impressive palaces of Achaemenian Empire, the PERSEPOLIS. In order to precisely define the location of the irrigation system, housing patterns and the social life as reflected in the setting of the various elements of the Parse and the aerial extension of PERSEPOLIS, further surface and subsurface studies are recommended. It is necessary to use new geophysical and spectral techniques to define the aerial extension, the architectural structure and construction patterns of the ancient civilization on the peripheries of PERSEPOLIS platform. Such studies may clarify the many aspects of Achaemenian period, and reclamation or reconstruction of PERSEPOLIS during ancient times.


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    Vancouver: Copy

    AMINZADEH B., AGHA EBRAHIMI SAMANI F.. DOCUMENTARY ACCOUNT OF PERSEPOLISE LANDSCAPE. HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA[Internet]. 2006;-(27):77-86. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/5746/en

    IEEE: Copy

    B. AMINZADEH, and F. AGHA EBRAHIMI SAMANI, “DOCUMENTARY ACCOUNT OF PERSEPOLISE LANDSCAPE,” HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA, vol. -, no. 27, pp. 77–86, 2006, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/5746/en

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