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 Question about STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY for four decades has been a challenging topic between people in our country. Architecture has inherent, dynamic, and gradual features which is called STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY despite regional and climatic differences which have had great influence on its form. Its terminology in mystical interpretation regards God the origin of the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY. In other definitions, STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN and her/his beliefs, that are the starting point and where a building is constructed or utilized or evaluated by her / him, and other distinctive components which distinguishes it from other types of buildings and also its similarities with its own items, have been taken into consideration. The meaning of the totality that previously from Malekolshoareye Bahar’s point of view had been divided into inside and outside of the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN under the name of STYLE has been re STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACEd with “architecture fashion” in recent centuries due to the developments in the world and STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN being and in the circle of fading tastes and creativity of architects, it has been imprisoned and been miles away from its traditional meaning. Distinctive features of the architectural phenomenon, except STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN and her/his beliefs include STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME and STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE. This essay, in addition to surveying the author and user STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN status of architecture and the effect of his/her ideas and beliefs in it, deals with STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE from view points of phenomenological and environmental psychology theorists and its intertwined relationship with STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN and the effect of STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE memory, the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE where many scholars consider its loss as the loss of STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN and the architecture STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY. Also STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME component is surveyed not merely in the conventional framework and focused on the past and related to the future but as a field in which life is realized. Since STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN activities become meaningful during the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME and in STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE, these activities create individual or collective memories in the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN mind during the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME. By repeatedly referring to them, collective memories which are the elements of STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY are visualized. Social STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY and collective memory are the ones that when a person is in a STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE she/he feels that the STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACE is different from other STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078">PLACEs. According to the essay concepts STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY cannot be a rigid affair and in the course of STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME it is transformed with STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> HUMAN and her/his beliefs. By definition, STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY has features which connect us to our past origin and roots like the thread used inside sugar candy to join crystals together, but STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> TIME based on current requirements forms different crystals around it, including our commonality with the world architecture. What is the concept of architectural STYLE and STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY from past to present? Why and how has the concept of STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY changed? What and how are the effective features in architecture STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY discussion? These are the questions our essay goes on to find an answer for. Creating a suitable intellectual framework for STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY concept is the goal of the essay and its search system is qualitative and besides analyzing and interpreting data meanings, it also seeks for multiple factors effective on STYLE="font-style:inherit;color:#ff0078"> IDENTITY phenomenon.


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    APA: Copy


    Vancouver: Copy

    TAGHVAIIE HOSSEIN. FROM STYLE TO IDENTITY IN ARCHITECTURE. MEMARI-VA-SHAHRSAZI (HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA )[Internet]. 2012;17(2):65-74. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/695857/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HOSSEIN TAGHVAIIE, “FROM STYLE TO IDENTITY IN ARCHITECTURE,” MEMARI-VA-SHAHRSAZI (HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA ), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 65–74, 2012, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/695857/en

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