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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Dlk1 Gene Expression in Different Tissues of Lamb




 Delta-like 1 homolog or pre-adipocyte factor 1 (Dlk1) is one of the most significant genes and widely ex-presses all over mammal’ s development. Some of the functions identified for Dlk1gene are development of muscle, healing of wound, adipocytes proliferation, liver, lung and pancreas development. It also prevents Notch gene conducting toward to govern several operations such like cellular proliferation and differentia-tion. The aim of this study was to assay the expression of Dlk1 gene in liver, humeral and femur muscles, brain, adipose, testis and rumen tissues of Kermani lambs. Tissue samples from thirty male lambs of Ker-mani sheep with approximately the similar weight and age from the Animal Science Research and Training Station of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman were picked up. Total RNA was isolated, cDNA was syn-thesized and real-time PCR was performed. SAS and REST softwares were used for analyzing the results. The Dlk1 gene was expressed in all studied tissues of Kermani sheep. The highest expression of Dlk1 gene expression was observed in liver tissue. There was no statistically significant difference between rumen and femur (leg) muscle, between humeral muscle and liver and between adipose and brain tissue (P>0. 05). The lowest expression was related to testicular tissue. Based on results of current study, it can be concluded that this gene has pleiotropic effects with different major and minor outcomes in different tissues. But, for reaching to more decisive conclusion for any tissue, it is necessary to carry out further research noticing various physiological, epigenetic and genetic conditions.


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    APA: Copy

    Masoudzadeh, S.H., MOHAMMADABADI, M.R., KHEZRI, A., Kochuk Yashchenko, O.A., Kucher, D.M., Babenko, O.I., Bushtruk, M.V., Tkachenko, S.V., Stavetska, R.V., Klopenko, N.I., Oleshko, V.P., Tkachenko, M.V., & titarenko, I.V.. (2020). Dlk1 Gene Expression in Different Tissues of Lamb. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE, 10(4), 669-677. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/782944/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Masoudzadeh S.H., MOHAMMADABADI M.R., KHEZRI A., Kochuk Yashchenko O.A., Kucher D.M., Babenko O.I., Bushtruk M.V., Tkachenko S.V., Stavetska R.V., Klopenko N.I., Oleshko V.P., Tkachenko M.V., titarenko I.V.. Dlk1 Gene Expression in Different Tissues of Lamb. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE[Internet]. 2020;10(4):669-677. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/782944/en

    IEEE: Copy

    S.H. Masoudzadeh, M.R. MOHAMMADABADI, A. KHEZRI, O.A. Kochuk Yashchenko, D.M. Kucher, O.I. Babenko, M.V. Bushtruk, S.V. Tkachenko, R.V. Stavetska, N.I. Klopenko, V.P. Oleshko, M.V. Tkachenko, and I.V. titarenko, “Dlk1 Gene Expression in Different Tissues of Lamb,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 669–677, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/782944/en

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